chapter 5

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chase waited till emilia finished work, he parked in front of her office building. when emilia noticed she walked up to his car by the passenger side and knocked on the window "how sweet chase but i have my own car you know. i'm not a ceo for no reason" chase chuckled "okay i'll see you in a few" then drove off. emilia sighed watching his car drive off  "what am i doing.." she drove safely to chase's house but she couldn't stop thinking about august. 

mean while august was at home, for the first time she allowed herself to feel everything. she felt sad and defeated at the thought of emilia with chase. she sat in the dark, staring at the ceiling. she didn't want to pretend emilia had no affect on her, she wanted to finally let her in and show her a different side. the side that actually loved and cared for emilia. august started tearing up, this was not the first time she cried for someone. in fact she was crying for the same person, for the second time "is it really over" she exhaled "should i send her a text? should i call her or go to her house? idk...i just want" she was defeated but persistent and wouldn't give up on her love for emilia "i'll try again tomorrow...till the day i die, i'll love you till the day i die emilia" that night she went to bed with a heavy but determined heart.

chase and emilia had dinner and watched a movie together. she was getting comfortable with chase, cuddling together. in the back of her mind she kept wondering what was august was doing, if she was sleeping, if she ate dinner or still working. the main question was whether today affected her, was she going to give up on emilia. chase was completely oblivious, to focused on having a good time "emilia can i ask you something?" he said turning off the tv and sitting up straight. emilia sat up as well worried about what he was going to ask her and if she could answer "sure chase" she smiled nervously. he took a deep breath holding her soft hands "know we've only known each other for only a little while but i just feel a connection with you that i don't want to waste any moment away from you will you be my girlfriend?" he smiled gently like a teenager falling in love for the first time "if you not sure of an answer you can take your time, don't rush" emilia froze not bc of shock but deep inside she didn't want it to come to this with chase, instead she wished it was august asking her that question. she didn't want to be responsible for another heart, except for one person she couldn't get rid off "i- uh hmm let me process this first" emilia laughed nervously. how was she going to end things without hurting him. "i'm sorry but i don't have answer right now chase, i'll let you know when i have one" chased hugged her "that's okay, i can wait for you" the atmosphere after that small conversation changed and emilia felt a little uncomfortable, she ended up leaving after one more movie.

the next morning emilia woke up and got ready for the day, when she was just about to leave august's car arrived at her house. she got out of the car and walked up to emilia "wanna go for a coffee date just before work? something simple today" she sounded soft and calm. more caring this time. emilia noticed the difference and felt her heart melt slowing "i'd love to" august smiled then opened the car door for emilia "you look beautiful by the way" she complimented before closing the door. the drive there was peaceful, august created a safe and caring atmosphere. making sure emilia was okay at all times, allowing her to pick the music in the car and the cafe. the little date helped emilia relax and breathe before work. "i needed this august, thank you" august had a safe smile "i'm always here for you. i care for you em, a lot and i want to show you much. i'm willing to wait for forever till you are ready to accept me back into your life. i'll always put you first till the day i die so whatever you need i'm always here ready to do anything and everything" emilia had a warm feeling hearing august say those words. in that moment she fell for her completely. 

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