3x2 - The Hybrid

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Ivy walked into the living room and saw her brother. He stood there and burned something

"What are you doing?" She wondered, yawning since it was still early. He looked at her. "Nothing. Doesn't matter."

She sighed. "Okay, if you say so. Hey, that Klaus guy-"

He quickly interrupted. "No, Ivy."

She groaned annoyed. "I just want to-"

"No. He's dangerous, no word about him, understand?" He told her before walking away

She grabbed her book and sat down on the sofa to read. After a while Damon came back. "Come with me. Elena and Alaric need us."

"But I'm readin-" He grabbed her arm and rushed in vampire speed to the lake with her. Arrived at the lake, Damon pushed Elena into the water

"Damon? Ivy? You sold me out, Alaric." Elena realized

"Think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves without backup? But wait," he looked at Ivy. "Who are you?"

"My sister. Ivy." Damon introduced. Elena was still in the lake. "Get out of the water, Elena." Damon demanded

"What are we doing here?" Ivy wondered. "Looking for Stefan." Alaric replied

Elena was still in the water. "Get out of the water." Damon repeated


Damon walked into the water, talking to her. After a few minutes, both of them walked out of the water

They continued to look for Stefan in the forest. Alaric looked at Ivy. "So.. are you a vampire too?"

She nodded. "Of course."

"We've got about a mile left. Sun's about to set." Damon noticed. Elena sighed. "I can see that, Damon. The moon doesn't reach its apex for a while. We have time."

They heard someone stepping on a stick so Alaric pointed his bow at him. It was a guy covered in blood

"Stay where you are." Alaric demanded. The guy looked at Ivy and Damon. "Vampires." He noticed and attacked Ivy, since she stood the closest to him. But when he was about to bite her, Alaric shot him

Damon quickly pulled Ivy away. "You okay?" He asked making her nod

"Let me guess. Hybrid." Alaric noticed. They tied the guy at the tree. Elena was holding up a rope. "Alaric, here, take these."

Damon took it an quickly dropped it after it burned his hand.He groaned at the pain. "I said Alaric." Elena defended

"Vervain?" Ivy asked. Elena nodded. "That's the last of vervain." Alaric told

The guy woke up and gasped. He started to scream and his neck was twitching

"Is he turning?" Damon wondered. Ivy shook her head. "It's daylight."

"Tell him that." Alaric spoke. Damon got closer to him and tried to keep him to the tree. "There aren't werewolves until the moon is full." Elena said

"Damon, of he's turning into a wolf then there's no way that you can hold him." Ivy warned her brother. The guy kept screaming

"We've gotta get out of here. We've gotta get out of these mountains." Elena told and they ran away

They ran through the woods as it got dark. Elena tripped and when she looked up a werewolf stood infront of her

"Here, doggy, doggy." Damon said, catching his attention. He rushed away with vampire speed and the wolf ran after him

"Come on, keep moving." Alaric said. "We can't leave Damon." Elena said

"He can handle himself. Ivy, come on." Alaric said but Ivy shook her head. "I'll follow him. I have to make sure he's okay."

Elena tried to stop her but the Salvatore sister just rushed after her brother

She stood alone in the dark woods now. After a few minutes she saw Damon who fought with the werewolf. She ran over to them

"Ivy, no. Stay where you are." A familiar voice warned. It was Stefan

But Ivy didn't listen. She ran over to Damon and ripped the heart out of the werewolf

Damon looked at Stefan, breathing heavily. "Fancy meeting you here." He joked

"Got lost in translation?" Stefan asked. "Might wanna take it up with your girlfriend. She's not gonna give up on you." Damon told

"Uh, what am I supposed to do with his heart now?" Ivy asked, disgusted. That was her first time ripping someone's heart out

"Throw it aside." Damon said and she did

"I'm never coming back. Why don't you go home?" Stefan whispered

Same night, different place. Ivy was laying in bed. She didn't know what to do

Damon wasn't here to talk to her. To tell her that everything will be fine

Because he was over at Elena's house, being busy comforting her

She tried her best to fall asleep but she just couldn't. She was too worried

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