3x4 - Disturbing Behavior

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Back in Mystic Falls, Ivy, Damon ans Sheriff Forbes walked to the place Caroline's father is

"So you are Ivy Salvatore? Damon's sister?"  The blonde woman asked. Ivy nodded. "I am." 

"So Mayor Lockwood called your gay ex-husband to torture your vampire daughter?" Damon checked, making sure he understood everything right. Sheriff Forbes nodded

"Yes. I've been keeping him detained to make sure the vervain's out of his system, so you can, you know." Sheriff Forbes explained. Damon sighed. "Can't we just kill him?"

"No, Damon. He's Caroline's father." Sheriff Forbed immediately replied. Ivy smiled at the woman. "You're a great mom."

She gave her a little smile too. "I try my best."

"He sound like a douche bag." Damon talked about Caroline's dad. "Just because you and I are on okay terms doesn't mean I'm suddenly a big advocate for your lifestyle." The Sheriff spoke towards Damon

Damon smirked. "Is that what you told him when you two got divorced?" He joked making the Sheriff roll her eyes

They arrived at the place. It was a dark 'mine' where the father sat in, being tied up

"Double-check him for vervain before you compel him." The Sherrif warned, opening the door. Damon and Ivy walked towards him and Damon looked at his sister

"I check him for vervain, you compel him. Understood?" Ivy nodded at his demand

"So, Bill, I heard you're into the whole daddy-daughter, vampire torture thing." Damon joked. Bill sighed. "I was trying to help her."

Ivy stood next to Damon, while he kept having a conversation with Caroline's father. "Well, if there's anyone who doesn't need help it's your annoying control-freak of a daughter." Damon said, before biting his neck

Sheriff Forbes looked disgusted while the man groaned in pain. "He's vervain free." Damon told

"Just erase his memory, Damon." Sheriff said. Damon shook his head. "That's my sister's job."

The brunette bowed down to the man's height, since he's sitting, and started compelling him

"You'll leave town immediately. All you'll remember is you came to bring your daughter shopping."

Damon and Ivy went to a small festival in town. Ivy sat on a bench and continued writing her novel

A girl walked over to Ivy and smiled at her. "Hey. Are you Ivy Salvatore?" She asked. Ivy looked up and nodded

"I am. Why?" She wondered. "I am Bonnie Bennet."

Ivy smiled. "You're a Bennet witch? Nice to meet you."

"I can say the same. If you're wondering how I know you, Caroline told me about you. I just really wanted to meet you. So, hey." Bonnie chuckled making Ivy smile

"I really enjoyed meeting you as well. Is it okay if we talk more another time? I have to find my brother." Ivy apologised

"Yeah, sure. See you around." Bonnie said before leaving. Ivy walked into the Mayor's office and saw Damon arguing with Elena

"...last time I checked I am still a vampire." Damon argued, not noticing his sister. "I wish you didn't have to act like one!" Elena yelled

"I'm not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him." Damon said, looking at Ivy who stood in the doorway

"Ivy, we're leaving."

Back at home Damon still had blood on his mouth. "Why is she trying to tame you?" Ivy asked

"She wants Stefan back. I'll go go sleep." He told, walking to his bedroom

Ivy sighed and went to bed as well. Wishing that her younger brother will come home very soon

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