Chapter 7 - First Assignments

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As the fog of war settled down before open eyes, Schale can finally retackle their main concerns.

Bright rays greeted them in the entranceway. The office lay dormant, awaiting its master and his company.

"You guys are so cool! How did you grab a rifle out of nowhere!" asked Hifumi. Such praises the outsiders have heard in many worlds plentifully.

"It's... long story." Doomguy scratched his helmet, looking at Ghost who seemed magnetized by his office desk once more.

Three IDs, he had suddenly tossed to them. A surprise to see their mugshots printed amidst Schale's simplistic white color.

Simple, yet effective beacon to shine their title upon all of Kivotos.

"Man, you were really expecting us." Duke Nukem grinned at the self-proclaimed magnificence of his picture proudly.

"I knew you would take the bait, that's why." Ghost said, seeing the other two examine their IDs with the same curiosity.

Duke sighed, uncertain what else to say other than the truth. He was nearly close to disregarding the invitation if not for Doomguy's goof.

"...Barely." He paused for a while, "To tell you the truth, I was two steps away from marking it as spam. Should've at least stated your name back then, Ghost."

Nodding to the said gibberish at first, the Sensei of Schale repeated the words in his sudden clouded thoughts. 

He then stared at the American with a grimace. "...Bloody hell you talking about? I always end my letters with my name." Ghost grabbed his smartphone from nothingness.

The double-checking of the sent Googol email swore there was a name. Even on the screen, there was evidence.

The blond American jolted away with furrowed brows. He, too, let out his smartphone to show his proof. 

"Look, there ain't no name." Duke Nukem also showed his email. Both were now in disarray. "...Don't tell me that... She..."

"All for the best of anonymity, I suppose." Ghost shrugged. "Anyway, let's start the brief. Doomguy, Phallius, over here!" he called. 

And thus, the meeting between Senseis has commenced.

As mentioned earlier, academies and schools required the assistance of Schale. Ranging from absolute assistance to minor inconveniences;

Up to those that could harbor absolute danger to academies. So far, three were marked as an absolute priority:

 So far, three were marked as an absolute priority:

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