Chapter Six

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After dinner, Felicia walks to the living room, sit down and call Owen.

The call:
I hear at the other side of the phone.
''Hey'' Felicia replies.
''So how's Barcelona?'' He asks.
''It's amazing!'' She replies, excited.
Frenkie walks in and sits down next to her..
''Hey, Owen'' he says as he sits down.
''Hey, Frenkie'' Owen replies.

''Felicia, it's only been 2 days I already miss you, now I have no one to watch my training while she talks about boys'' Owen says.
Felicia laughs and says: ''Oh come on you'll find someone else, I promise plus i didn't talk about boys all the time''
''Yes you did''
''No I didn't''
''Yes you did''

They keep arguing about it but finally Felicia admits that she may talk about boys sometimes.
Owen asked her a million questions about what it is like living in Spain and working at FC Barcelona, Felicia's answer was the same at every question: ''I don't know Owen I've only been here for 2 days''
After an hour they stopped calling.
End of the call.

''I love him,but he talks so much'' Felicia says to Frenkie. He laughed at her and replied:'' Well it's or this or he doesn't talk at all.''
''That's true''
It's 20:04 PM, Felicia is happy that they don't have a different time-zone in Spain, it makes talking with her family and friends much easier.

''Anyways how was it today?'' Fenkie asks, as Mikky comes inside the room.
''Well I really liked my first day at Barcelona'' Felicia smiles.
''That's good, we have a game the day after tomorrow.... Will you wear a shirt with ''F. De Jong'' Frenkie asks looking at Fallon.
''Yeah obviously, it are my initials'' she replies.
''No it are my initials''
''Mine too, Felicia De Jong remember? F. De Jong''
''Oh yeah'' Frenkie says embarrassed.

Mikky stands up and says:'' Should we go to the beach?''
''But it's 20:09'' Felicia replies confused, why would you go to the beach at a time like this?
''So? Who goes to the beach at a time like this?'' Felicia asked confused, Spain was pretty different from the Netherlands.
''Literally everyone in Spain'' Mikky says walking towards the small closet that is at the side of the living room.
''It's because of Siësta'' Frenkie says, to clarify everything for Felicia.
''What is siësta?'' She asks him.
''You sleep in the afternoon and then you stay awake longer in the evening, Because it is colder in the evening then in the afternoon''
''Oh okay'' Felicia says still a bit confused.
''So should we go or not'' Mikky asks.
''Sure why not?''  Felicia looks at Frenkie.
''Well let's go then'' He says standing up.

They live pretty close to the beach it's just a 5 minute walk.
It's still pretty warm, so Felicia has shorts and a short-sleeved shirt on.
They arrived at the beach and Felicia sat down on the sand, as she looks around she sees three guys walking trough the sand. They started to get closer and then she saw who they were, it were: Pablo, Robert and Pedri.

They looked in Frenkie, Mikky and Felicia's direction, Frenkie seesthem and waves.
They walked towards Frenkie, Mikky and Felicia and stopped right infront of them.
''Hey'' Felicia says, looking up at them.
''Hey'' Pedri said back.
He was the only one who says something Pablo and Robert are already  busy, talking to Frenkie.
Mikky sits next to Felicia, but stands up and leaves Pedri and Felicia alone, Mikky walks behind him with a big grin on her face.
Pedri sits down next to Felicia.
''So how are you? Did something happen in the 2 hours that I didn't see you'' he laughed.
''Well..... no nothing you?'' Felicia smiled.
''Why was it so awkward? He's just a friend'' Felicia thought.

The sun set, Pedri and Felicia are watching it together. What Felicia doesn't notice is that Frenkie, Pablo, Robert and Mikky are gone, well not gone but they moved up a little bit.
Felicia lays her head on Pedri's shoulder carefully not wanting to scare him or something but surprisingly he did nothing but look at the sea.
A few minutes went passed and they were still in the same position, her head on his shoulder next to each other.

Fenkie, Mikky, Robert and Pablo come back to Felicia and Pedri, but they don't notice, Felicia at least didn't. They sit down next to Felicia, as soon as she noticed them she takes her head off of Pedri's shoulder.
She looks at Mikky and Pablo, they are already looking at us with a big smile on their face.
''No'' Felicia mouths to them.
''Yes'' Mikky mouths back.
Felicia rolls her eyes at her and turned back to the sea.

''Should we go home? It's 20:47 already'' Frenkie asks.
''Should we?'' Mikky asks, looking at Felicia ''Uhm.... Yeah sure, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow'' she replied.
They all stand up and say our goodbye's, Felicia looked at Pedri, since he was the only she could say bye to, because Pablo is busy talking to Mikky and Robert is busy talking with Frenkie, Pedri was already looking at her.
''Bye'' she said smiling at him.
''Bye'' He said with a small smile, he was so handsome.

Frenkie, Mikky and Felicia walk back to their house and after a few minutes Felicia walks up to her room, she took off her makeup, brushed her teeth and went to bed.
She lays there staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened today.

(Authors note)

Mikky and Pablo are definitely working together also do we like Owen?
Please someone correct me about siësta if I'm wrong cause I live in Spain and I do siësta every day but I honestly don't exactly know why we do it 😂 I just don't need it.... Probably my Dutch genes.
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