Chapter Seven

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Felicia lays with her head in her pillow, when she wakes up, shaken back and forth by Mikky, Felicia sits right up, to look at her phone to see the time.
''Girl it's 6:48 AM why are you awake?'' Felicia asks, still half asleep.
''Didn't you have a crush on that British actor?'' Mikky asks.
''What?'' Felicia asks, lying down again.
''You know that one that plays in those superhero movies'' Mikky says, while she lays down on Felicia's bed.
''You mean Tom Holland?'' Felicia asks her, snuggling under her blanket again.
''Yeah that one, he plays Spider-Man right?'' Mikky asks.
''How does she have so much energy? It's fucking 6:50 AM'' Felicia thought to herself.
''Yes why'' Felicia's asks Mikky confused.
''He's dating someone'' Mikky replies.
''You woke me up at 6:48 in the morning to tell me that Tom Holland is dating someone?'' Felicia asks, closing her eyes again.
''Yes'' Mikky replies,  as she snuggles under Felicia's blanket.
''Okay but he's dating Zendaya isn't he?'' Felicia asks Mikky, as she runs around to face her.
''Yes but.... How do you know that?'' Mikky asks, as she looks at Felicia confused.
''Cause he's literally been dating her for over 2 months plus 2 years of rumors'' Felicia laughs.
''God how do I find out just now? I'm getting old'' Mikky says.
''Yeah you are'' Felicia smirks at Mikky.
''You do realize that I'm just 5 years older right?'' Mikky looks at Felicia.
''Yes.... Now I do'' Felicia says, embarrassed, since she just basically called herself old.

Felicia lays up against Mikky since she got in bed and apparently they fell asleep because Felicia woke up by the sound of her alarm, still lying next to Mikky.
Luckily she didn't wake up, Mikky doesn't need to go anywhere so she doesn't have to wake up, god Felicia would be soooooo annoyed if she woke up by someone else's alarm. Yet it didn't take long before she woke up.

''Good morning'' Felicia says, while she get out of bed.
''Good morning, did you sleep well'' Mikky asks, sitting up.
''Yes I slept very well, till you woke me up to talk about Tom Holland'' Felicia says, looking at Mikky..
''Oh yeah forgot about that'' Mikky says,  rubbing her eyes.

Felicia puts on a T-shirt and some shorts, walks into her bathroom, Mikky follows, looks at me and says: ''How do you look so good? You've been just awake for what? 10 minutes maybe?''
''What do you mean? You look a lot better believe me'' Felicia replied, splashing water on her face.
''Yeah right'' Mikky says rolling her eyes playfully.
She walks out of Felicia's room, downstairs, that's what Felicia thinks at least.

Felicia puts on some makeup, not much cause she doesn't  have the energy yet, she  put on mascara and some blush cause she looks like a vampire and she's completely white and I mean white like paper white, white like Dracula white and Felicia read somewhere that if it's hot and the sun shines that you shouldn't put on a lot of makeup because it can burn your skin or something.

Felicia walks downstairs and sees Mikky lying on the bank,
''You still sleepy?'' Felicia asks her as she sits down next to her.
''Yes very sleepy'' Mikky responds.
''Well then you shouldn't wake someone up at 6:50 AM'' Felicia says.
''I already said sorry for that!'' Mikky basically yelled.
''No you didn't'' Felicia says, looking at Mikky.
''I didn't?'' She asks.
''Nope... and you don't have to, I mean I live with you, I should probably get used to it'' Felicia laughs, as she stand up and drags Mikky to the kitchen with her.

To their surprise, Frenkie is already sitting there drinking tea. Mikky and Felicia spot the tea and look at each other.
''Is he drinking tea?'' Felicia asks Mikky, whispering.
''I think so'' Mikky whispers back.
''I can hear you, you know'' Frenkie says.
''Sorry but we have just never and I mean NEVER seen you drinking tea, in all those
19 years that I know you have I never seen it'' Felicia says, sitting down next to him.

''Yeah well it's just early and I need it'' he says.
''Yeah why are you up this early? It's 8:07 In the morning'' Felicia asks.
''Couldn't sleep cause I heard 2 girls talking about a actor at 6:50 AM'' he says standing up.
''But we did sleep after that why didn't you?'' Mikky asks him.
''I don't know just couldn't sleep'' He says placing the cup with tea on the table.

They still had a hour befor they had to leave and they didn't have anything to do, Mikky was reading some cooking book, Frenkie was on his phone and Fallon is just watching them read or being on their phone, like a creep.
''Am I a creep for watching them?'' Felicia thought to herself ''No, no, no, it's your family, it's not weird.''

Time went by fast and as soon as Felicia knew it they were in the car, on the way to Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper, the Barca training center.
And again there were screaming fans. Felicia and Frenkie got trough and Frenkie parks the car, they get out and walk toward the entrance when someone calls Felicia's name.

She turns around and sees Pedri running toward them. When he arrives Frenkie had already walked on, so Pedri and Felicia walk on together.
''So I wanted to ask you something.'' He says while we walk to the dressing rooms.
''Sure what's up?''
''Okay so uhm-'' he began but he was interrupted by Robert who yelled his name.
''Pedri!'' Robert yelled.
''What?'' Pedri yelled back.
''I need you're help here!''
''Oh come on'' Pedri sighed ''Uhm I'm sorry I have to help him''
''Oh yeah sure go.'' Felicia says.

Pedri walks away, but Felicia really wants know what he wanted to ask, was it something important?
She tries to walk after him so they can talk when he's done but then she heard Xavi yelling her name.
''Felicia!'' Xavi yells
''Yeah?'' Felicia says, walking toward him.
''Can you help me with this?''
He must have something that is on top of a high closet and sinds Felicia is taller then Xavi, like a lot taller then him it was easier if she grabs it.
''Yeah sure'' Felicia says, while she grabs it.

It was a pretty hard training because they have a match tomorrow, against Atletico Madrid. Most of the time they did fitness training.
Felicia has a lot to do, she had to plan interviews for before the match and for after the match.
She has to help with the training, things like make the treadmill ready, you know? Things like that.

She is done with everything and sat down on a chair outside and watches the training, she looks over to Pedri and surprisingly he was already looking at her.
Time wend by pretty quickly cause as soon as she knew it, they were already done with the training.

She gets up to walk inside, to wait for Frenkie but then she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and sees Pedri standing behind her.
''Oh hey, I thought you were someone else.'' Felicia chuckles.
''Oh well uhm.. I wanted to ask you something earlier.'' He said while they walk inside.

(Authors note)
Hi! I hope you like this chapter, I wrote it in my math lesson 😂.
I'm gonna try to make more chapters and post them more often, don't forget to vote!


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