Chapter 8

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*Gura Pov

I woke up and got out of bed almost instantly. I could hear Amelia outside of the room, snoring away on the couch. She worked way too hard, not even on the paperwork she should have been doing. I brewed her some coffee and began to shake her. "Wake up, Watson." I sighed. She slowly opened her eyes to glance at me.

"Oh I fell asleep on the couch..." She sighed

"Yes, and you forgot to feed Bubba last night." I said it loudly so she could process it.

"You fed her though, right?" Amelia asked

"I did, but Bubba is your dog; stop being so reckless." I reprimanded

She scratched the back of her head and sighed, "Well, I'll get ready, and then we can go take him for a walk." Watson told me

"You are so shallow..." I said to her, and she rolled her eyes while taking another sip of coffee.

She refuses to look beyond some things, and that upsets me. We could make this work if she made time for other stuff in her life. Then maybe we wouldn't have so much conflict. My phone suddenly went off. I looked down and saw I was getting a call.

"Ina?" I am confused as to why she was calling me. I pressed the button and put it on speaker. "what?" I asked

"Can we meet up today for something?" Ina questioned, "It's about the convoy." She said

"I'm sorry, but I have an outing with Amelia today," I said.

"Who?" Ina asked.

"I meant to say I Watson!" I said

"Gura, what have you got yourself caught up in?" Ina began to ask

"I promise I wasn't caught. I willingly came to her." I told Ina

"Hmmm.. do you have a crush on her?" Ina asked

"Hardy, she's a smartass who only thinks of herself," I sighed.

"Gura, you don't really sound like you mean that. How about this? I want to meet Watson!" Ina declared

"Suuuure...." I said now worried Amelia probably won't want to meet Ina if I tell her that she was a pirate, and she can't know about the convoy either. This was a tricky scenario. I walked into the bathroom where Watson had just finished brushing her teeth.

"Can we go meet up with a friend of mine during the walk?" I asked She looked at me and tilted her head.

"You have friends?" She said I glared at her and hit her head.

"Shut up, dumbass..." I scoffed

"What that was a serious question!" She shouted

"Just get ready..." I said

I went onto the couch and hooked the leash onto Bubba, and after that I sat in waiting, saying, "I'm ready!" She said while stumbling out of the bathroom.

"You took like thirty minutes..." I sighed

"Okay, that was like ten." She corrected me, saying she was right; however, I wanted to complain about something she did, and this was the only way i could really do that and be somewhat right about it.

We went out the apartment door and began to walk. Bubba made sure to stop at every possible place we could stop.

"So is the mission still on for tomorrow?" I asked

"Odd you are asking now, but yes, it is since it's our only case lead," Amelia stated.

I nodded in response. She was really dead set on going to the place Reine specified; however, it could be a trap. She didn't seem to care, though, even if it was a trap.

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