Chapter 9

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*Gura Pov

As soon as daybreak hit, we all got ready for the mission today. Watson grabbed her equipment, and I grabbed my trident, getting ready. Calli and Kiara walked out of their room and let out a yawn.

"It's so early," Kiara sluggishly said.

"It is, but we have so much to do," Calli groaned.

She was right. We have the paperwork to do; we all went to the agency and split the paperwork between the four of us, getting it done late in the afternoon.

"Now you can finally go..." Yagoo sighed He looked exhausted.

"No, we need to wait on Ollie, Reine, and Anya," J-Chad said as she entered the office.

"Who is Anya?" Yagoo asked

"Doesn't matter..." Calli groaned

"Morning J-Chad!" A woman chipperly stated as she walked into the lobby.

The blonde-haired woman had a halo and a blue hair clip, and the inside of her hair was purple. She opened her eyes, revealing beautiful blue-purple eyes.

"Who are you?" Watson questioned

"Rude, I've worked here longer than you," the woman laughed. "Anyways, I'm Jenma, aka Enma's twin sister."

"Twin sister, you don't look anything alike." Calli said

"We get that a lot," Jenma said. "By the way, what happened to you, J-Chad?" She questioned

"I fought a criminal and got pretty badly beaten," she replied.

"Oh well, please be careful today!" Jenma said

"Kiara, are you alright?" Calli asked, worrying as she noticed the woman was still panting.

"Yeah, the limiter really killed me, but I'll be fine." Kiara said, "Don't worry, Calli; I won't push myself." Kiara continued to say:

The door swung open, and Ollie, Reine, and Anya ran in, shouting, "We're here!" Ollie said

"Good, now we can go..." Watson groaned I could tell she was in a bad mood, and to be honest, it was understandable since that paperwork was awful. Our destination was determined, though.

Our destination is Epping Forest...

We left the building and traveled to an area close to the forest. It took a bit, but we got there fairly quickly since Ame practically sped the whole way. Once we got there, we saw a hooded figure walking towards the forest.

"Let's question them," she said.

We all got out, and the person seemed to notice and began to run, but their hood was so long that J-Chad grabbed it and yanked it towards her, making the figure follow, "Damn it!" They said it revealed it was a male.

Suddenly, about a hundred hands shot out from under the hood and slammed into us; they began to strangle J-Chad, Ollie, Anya, Reine, and Watson.

"You're damn detectives, so I'm going to fucking kill all of you!" The man yelled

Calli began to walk forward, dodging all the hands aimed at her, and with one slash, she cut all of them.

"Oh, well, you are a pathetic woman like the rest." The man said. I didn't know how insulting women helped him in this scenario; he just made things worse.

Kiara circled around behind him and kicked him forward so Calli could pin him down. She ripped off the hood and looked the boy in the face.

"Huh, he is kind of familiar...." J-Chad said

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