Out Of Ordinary

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If my life was a TV series, comments would be like these. Hey there my name is Y/n L/n. I am an ordinary person who would go to school, study,play video games,math is bad,anime lover,jojo fan,pokemon lover and many other things. my only good trait is my drawing skills and now I am on my way to school.

Y/n: should I get a burn from that mini market?....but I will lose more than half of my breakfast money...nah I will buy chocolate chip cookie and burn..yea

Yep my eating habits are unhealthy so what? anyways I had my headphones on. I was listening to rocket jump waltz. I was slowly getting closer to school. I entered the mini market.

Y/n: good day..

Cashier: welcome.

I walked to the freezer and took a burn. I turned to the cashier and paid for the beatiful beverage.


Was all I said before getting out of the store. I once again started walking to the school.on the way I bought my chocolate chip cookie and finally arrived to school. I wasn't late. I got to the class - damn the stairs- and directly went to my desk.

Y/n: yo pixel wassup!

Steve: I told you to not to call me pixel when we aren't on the internet!

Y/n: welp I really would like to care.

Steve: yea yea..wait did you bring the allister card with you??

Y/n:yes yes! it is here and all yours!

Steve: Thank you again.

Y/n: no problem

 Alan: hey Y/n!

Y/n:yea zed?

Alan:is your phone fixed??

Y/n:yea why?

Alan:wanna go ARAM before class starts??

Y/n:why not?

See? Boring! ugh I wish I could go on an adventure like in those action movies...or maybe become a crystal gem...I wish..

\\A long day of school later//

Y/n: finally! home sweet home.

I quickly got changed and got to the kitchen and took a look at the fridge..oof I am running out of food but I still got-

Y/n: Spaghetti from the grrrreat papyrus

Of course that was a joke..but what should I do today I mean it is friday so there isn't school tomorrow...oh I know!

Y/n:Steven Universe marathon!

I quickly opened my laptop and clicked on Opera. I opened my favourite site for watching cartoon. and started the first episode Gem glow. Man I wish I could eat a cookie cat...suddenly my laptop gave a warning for low battery.I went to my room and took the charger and came back. I plugged charger to the outlet. 

Y/n:finally I can watch st-

*tap tap tap*

Y/n:ugh! what is this noise?

*tap tap tap tap*

Y/n:oh...it is raining..welp not a problem for me.


Y/n: A storm? really? Is world really against the thought of me watching my favourite series???


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