~He is Such A Dream~

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The school day came to an exhausting end and Mateo couldn't be happier to go home. As he wandered to the bus stop somebody waved to him. It was Noah.

"Oh my gosh," Mateo sighed. "I completely forgot."
Noah then walked over to Mateo with a soft smile. He looked so friendly and kind.
"Hola, Mateo," He waved. "Um, hola," Mateo said awkwardly.
'Geez why do I have to be this weird?'
Mateo found himself looking into Noah's pale blue eyes. The two were having a staring match, in which he lost.
"Let's go to Moonbucks, kid," Noah yelled excitedly. He grabbed Mateo's hand and the boys left heading towards the café. They both got coffees and sat down at the far end of the café.

"So, Noah," Mateo stuttered. "Are you trying to bribe me with coffee? I could easily go to Mr Brown, you know." "Gee'," Noah blushed. "I never knew you thought of me in that light. You didn't have to stay silent about this whole thing, ya' know? But I appreciate you not telling the principal. Taking you out to coffee is the least I could do, Mateo."
Noah smiled with his small cheek dimples, and that made Mateo's heart race. He turned red in the face. It was as if he couldn't breathe.
Mateo looked at how Noah was drinking his coffee. He looked so beautiful just by doing such a simple act.

"So..." Naoh filled the silence. "Mateo, have you always lived here?" "No," Mateo whispered. "It's a long story." "I'm willing to listen." "Well, I warned you!" Mateo laughed. "It all started in Chicago..."

Mateo ranted to Noah about his life story. Noah listened attentively. He smiled at Mateo and him preaching. Mateo couldn't help, but to blush.
'Noah's putting up one heck of a show'
Mateo thought to himself.
He didn't care about the fact that Noah could be doing this for his own sake... To not get suspended for 'assaulting a fellow peer'.

After talking for what seemed like forever, Mateo looked at Noah. Noah looked as if he read somebody's personal diary.
"You've been through alot, dude," Noah sighed. "I guess we have alot in common."
He smiled with hurt in eyes.
'I wonder what he's been through. Why does he so worried?'
"It's getting late, Noah," Mateo coughed. "Thanks for the coffee. I really appreciate it!" "We should do this again some time," Noah gently took Mateo's hand.
He grabbed Mateo's phone with a grin. He started typing on the device.
'What the heck is he doing-"
Mateo couldn't even finish his thought before Noah interrupted, "I put my number on your phone. Text me sometime, yeah?"
He walked out of the café smirking with his hands in his pockets. He walked has if everywhere was his home. So comfortable, yet graceful.
'I just got his number?!" Mateo was in awe at what just happened. 'He's so astonishing! He's so amazing! He is such a dream!'

*Thanks for reading! See you next Wednesday+Thursday! Don't forget to comment and vote this chapter(^-^)*

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