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you were kidnapped…. His eyes tried to stay his bright red color, but they soon turned to radio dials. Allister was angry. You woke up in a room that was pitch black. You looked around for a little bit until you called out to Allister. all you heard was the echo of your voice. You waited what felt like hours till somebody came into the room. the person looked like a tv. ‘’charmed, the names vex’’ you tried to move but you were tied onto a pole by some rope. Your ears flattened to your head Your tail was falling in between your legs from fear. The person called ’vex’ walked up to you and put his hand around your chin. You looked away from him but that made him harshly yanked your face to look at him. Your now tear stained face was looking at the humanoid tv with your eyes in complete fear. You tried to get out of his grip but all you did was get clawed in the face by his hands. ‘’now look what you’ve done…. You pretty face did not deserve this mark…it should have a different one instead~’’ he leaned in right into your face, and you pulled away just the slightest do he could not do whatever he was going to do to you. He fell right on his face, BOOM! then you heard a loud grumble coming from the floor, He now was angry. ‘’just because you have a pretty face does not mean you can get away with that…. you need to be punished now doll~~’ [fnaf moondrop reference] he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you into a kiss. You cried because you just wanted to get out of here. you just want to get out of here... To be in allister's arms once again.

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