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The sun is bright today, the wind against my hair, people cheering, shouting, screaming as the parade goes by, hearing the roar of laughter, clapping, and the sound of jets, helicopters, even the giant wind turbine engines from the oversized Zeppelin above us, with the logo of the company that dad works at, Woe-Tech, a bio engineering masterpiece that saved the world from another World War that would have destroyed the world.

However my dads company made up a peace treaty and it went well, that was March 28th, 2030, during the threat of Nuclear War though, all of America and the rest of the world built these walls huge walls that were about 50 meters tall, some cities made them even bigger, but I don't even know how thick because I have never been outside the wall, my father explained to me that this company cured diseases that many thought were un curable. Woe-tech cured cancer, dementia, and a ton of others, but today is national peace day, and this year Woe-Tech is hosting it again, its March 28th, 2050. My mother and my older brother stayed home today, my brother Blake was sick, but dad and I still went and it was amazing, until it wasn't.

Over the loud speakers of the zeppelin, and other speakers up and down the street someone spoke. "Attention to all, Happy National Peace Day!!!" Cheering up and down form all around me. "Today is the 20th year of World Peace, and all of us here at Woe-Tech could not have done it without everyones help, we have taken humanity to its next step of its evolution, and today, now will be the final step in our goal." My father says "Oh no." He picks me up and we start going through the crowd away from everhthing in a panic "Today marks the day of a new Era, a new dawn if you will." He calls my mom through his watch as he carries me. "So today it is sad to say but today is the last day of Woe-Tech Bioengineering." Mom answers the phone. "Mary, get Blake and go to my lab now, I don't have time for answers, just go!" He hung up in a flash. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "Don't worry about it right now son, we just need to get out of here." I clutch my necklace thinking of my brother for we have similar necklaces, a sharp tooth, mine is black, his is white. As dad carries me I hear "Our goal for Woe-Tech has and always will be to better humanity, so to all of you, Happy National Peace day." Cheering and clapping is all I hear as we make it to the steps of a subway station, I look and I see the giant zeppelin explode with a thunderous sound. A green like mist falling over people, as I hear shouting and screaming as dad and I disappear into the station.

"What's going on dad?" He sets me down with a worried look on his face, kneeling in front of me. "Son I will explain when we get to out lab but right now, we need to go." He picks me up again and we are running through the subway station, I can still hear people and blood curdling screams, then it goes quiet as we are underground. After a few minutes of fad carrying me, we start to hear sounds again, as we come to the other end of the subway, that's right next to the exit of the city, I see something I will never forget. A female on the ground and person leaning over them, but they were eating them, I could see the blood pool around her body as her guts were being taken out of her while the thing eats her, she's gasping for air but blood is filling her throat. Dad is standing their in shock and takes a step back, the thing stops, and slowly looks up to meet my gaze, white eyes, skin peeling, and blood, it growls at me and my father as it slowly gets up twisting its torso to the side and screams at us, and it charges, and before I know it its 5 feet away from us, my dad throws me to the side and I land on the marble floor as the creature who's not human anymore starts attacking my father, he tells me. "Run for the exit Rye!, Now!" As the thing bites his arm and I hear him scream, but I turn to the stairs and run as fast as I can, up the steps, and out of the subway station and across from me I see the gateway slowly clossing like a double door, I look to my left and there is a blockade of policemen and police cars blocking people from leaving, the sky now with a green tint to it, i start to run towards the gate while people are screaming and begging to leave, I get to the gate and I turn back seeing people try to push through, and I look towards the subway and I see a hand and the body of my father, we lock eyes and I hear him utter his final words to me. "run.." and I see him get torn away by that thing. I squeeze through the gate, falling as i get through, as people finally get passed those policemen, and the gate shuts, and I hear hydraulics and gears turning, locking the door behind me, I sit there and cry for a little bit while I hear very faint screams and there was nothing I could do.

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