Chapter 2: The Wall

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I wake up to growling, I sit up from the bed and I hear shambling from outside, the hoarde is here, on my doorstep, why didn't they follow my fake trail, can they smell me, I have to leave now.

I grab my gear and go to the front door, I hear more dead outside. In a hushed voice "Shit..I can't go that way..." I go to the back window by the bedroom, I took off the wood planks last night just in case, I peek through and I don't see any of em. Alright let's go, I throw my bag out the window, and jump out cracking sticks as I do, then to my left and right of the house I see the dead rounding the corner, one screams, and one rushes me with his arms outstretched at me, I take my bat and swing, hitting its head against the wall, but it's still alive, I slam again with my bat, crushing it's head, I spin around and the screamer has backed away, and more dead are there, I grab my bag and run towards the wall thats still a mile away, as I'm running I hear more screaming, I turn and I see 4 runners coming towards me, I jump over a fallen tree and they do the same, there catching up because of all my gear, as one gets closer, I twist my body around with my bat in my right hand hitting him in the head, killing it, now that I'm turned 2 leap at me, colliding in mid air, with my bat to my right I swing, crushing the right ones skull and knocking the other one away, the fourth one chatges me after I swung, I can only block him as he pushes me back against a tree, it's teeth inches away from my neck. "Get the fuck off me." I knock it away with the right side of my bat, my bat is to my right, the second one leaps at me I swing my bat up destroying its chin in the process, now with my bat up to my right the final runner sprints to me, and I bring down my bat breaking its skull open and breaking off the top of my bat.

I look up to where I came from and I see the hoarde getting closer, and one big ugly mother fucker leading them, it's about 7 feet tall and looks like 350 pounds, I can't fight it, I start running towards the wall again, then I hear it, a deep roar coming from the big one. "RAAAAAR!" I look back again and see 10 more runners from the hoarde of one hundred I think, I'm bolting out of there, jumping over logs, leaping over puddles, and after a couple of minutes I turn back and the runners were called off, I catch my breath for a minute and start walking, as I get closer to the wall a small clearing opens up from the woods, and now its just a small clearing from me to the wall now. I see structures on the wall itself. "What the hell." It looks like people made a way to get up the wall, I'm about a football field away now, when I hear another roar.

They're back, I turn and i see the hoarde again, they are to my right and left of the woods, almost surrounding me, screamers, runner, walkers, all going for me, I start running again, the runners closing in on me from my left and right, I turn and the big one is running as well, slower than the runners but terrifyingly so. "Holy shit." The runners are slowing, as if they are just to trap me in, I get to the wall, a rope type mechanism is here at the bottom, there is a torn piece of paper on the wall. "Take end and clip to.." ok probably my belt, I clip it to my back. I turn and the runners are standing there, stating at me all around me, until I meet the gaze of the big guy. He let's out this menacing growling noise, and does something I'll never points at me..."What the fuck are you?" And it smiles almost before charging me from 30 yards away, I turn back to the note on the wall. "To go up press pedal hard!"
I stomp on the pedal, wheels start turning but I'm not moving at all, I turn back with my now sword like bat in my hands. "This is it...come get me mother fucker!" I start to charge him and then I get jolted back and before I knew it I was being pulled up into the air. "Woo-hoo, fuck you big guy!" It screams, and shouts and stomps in anger, not being able to catch me, it was pissed off.

I got to the first wooden structure, it wasn't that far up really, about 20 meters up, almost halfway there. "Oh my gosh, that was terrifying." I sit there to collect my thoughts. "OK...ok let's get up this damn wall." I look up and see wooden planks, drilled into the wall. "Looks like I climb that I guess." I unhook myself, it looks like its going to storm soon, i gotta hurry, I start climbing, I have about 30 meters ahead of myself. Slowly but surely I kept climbing, taking breaks while I climbed at the two other wooden structures. *THUNDER* its statying to storm, wind getting stronger and rain, i hate rain, I got to the last wooden structure. " need some...water." I grab some water from my pack when I hear a screech. "What the fuck was that?" I look up, I hear it again. "The fuck is up there?" I hear flapping above me, its to dark to tell what it is, then I see something fall pass me, I lean over the ledge. "What the fuck?" Screeches again. When I see it coming towards me. "Reaaarrr!" A dead one with wings of a bat in place of its arms, I drop back down as it swoops passed me. "What the fuck?! They can fly?" I get my sword bat, "Since fucking when?" it rounds back to me, I swing, missing entirely. "This is now the second weirdest thing I've seen today." It circles back. "Come get me bitch!" I ready myself, bat sword to my right, it gets closer, I swing and strike its right wing. "Yes, scre you, you flying bitch." It falls to the ground down below. *THUNDER* "I'm staying here the night, I'm tired of this climbing shit." I set my pack up and lye down, ready for the night to be over.

The next morning

The sky is dull, there is no wind, but it's dry, "I'm ready to get off this damn wall." I grab my pack and start climbing the wall, the last 10 meters, as I'm climbing one of the pieces of wood breaks off. "Oh fuck!" I'm holding on by a single hand, I grab the ledge with my other hand, I leap to the next step up, 2 more to go, and I get up those ones without a hitch.

"Oh my gosh...I hated that, im never doing that again." I hear shouting from people. I look up to see about 20 feet of the top of the wall, and off in the distance I see smoke on top of a building, I rush over to the ledge, and I see people fighting on top of a roof of a building with a wooden bridge built up to the wall I'm standing on. "I gotta get over there to help." So I get ready to go help them out.

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