Chapter 1: The cabin before the Wall

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15 years later...

Running from the dead isn't fun, especially when you've been doing it for 3 days. A hoard is chasing me and it seems like the undead can have packs like wolves do, and I have seen it all with the dead, I've seen big ones, small ones, fast ones, but more importantly out in the outside world it is mostly the same, towns have been overrun by all kinds of grass, trees, and things of the such, not a lot of survivors, especially friendly ones, it's crazy really, this big company that saves the world from a nuclear war, destroyed the world on purpose, and it seemed like my dad knew what was going on, but I'm going back to my home, to see if my brother and my mother made it, my dad did say for them to get to his lab, so maybe they made it, I hope so.

I am about a mile outside the city, hoping to lose the hoarde through the forest, the wall is visible and I can see it through the trees, it's getting dark, but there is a small wooden shack up ahead, I might rest there tonight, i draw my bat as i get 30 feet fron the house, i check my surroundings, i dont see any dead, the wooden structure looks man made, like something from the 70s, a little porch out front but on ground level, i check the door and the 3 windows, the windows have curtains over them with wood planks behind them, i can see the nails sticking through them, i get to the door, i go to open the door, but i hear a floorboard squeak, followed by growling, it might just be one of the dead but I need to rest so I open the door, bat ready, two are there one looks male mid 40's ugly as hell, skin peeling from his face, torn clothing.

The other one looks female, wearing a nightgown, when all of a sudden the male dead one inside leaps at me, I step to the side to avoid it, it rolls while the other one shambles towars the door, as it steps out i ready mself and swing, *CRACK* i hear the skull break and i see blood come out of where i hit, i killed it, i throw the body with my bat still in its head at the other one, as the body lands in front of it, it just glares at me while it's on all fours holding itself like a dog, it looks around at the trees and the vegetation around us, the back to the body, they might have been together when they were alive but it looks up, it seems glad to be out of the wooden shack, it looks at me, i ready my bat, grows at me once more before howling loudly making me flinch, getting back on all fours looks at the dead one and runs away, "What the hell was that?" Ive never seen a dead one do that before, maybe they are getting more intelligent, maybe its just part of the human that they once were but idk im not a scientist like my dad was, since im going to be here for the night i need to hide my scent, i go to the dead one i killed, i take my bat and slam it down on the gut, exposing the insides with a horrendous smell, "Oh my God, im gonan puke." but i bear with it, i start to drag the body around the the shack, the dead can smell humans so u gotta do this, i cut off the arms and lay them around the house, now its time to go inside, i walk inside keeping the door open just in case, as i enter it is a wood room with cabinets two wooden rocking chairs and old tv, a wood furnace, a fridge, a sink with more cabinets, a little table with some tools and cans on the table, and a note.

To my right is a door to another room, i open it and inside is a twin size bed with a dresser and some family phtos on the wall, a closet and a rug, really nice honestly, i go to the door i entered, close it, lock it and put one of the rocking chairs underneath the handle of the door, i go to the table of goods, i read the note. "To whoever finds my wife and i like this, put us out of our misery and you can have all of this that we have to offer, thank you and may God have mercy on our souls. "Sorry old man, couldnt put you down cause you ran off. "I should start a fire with this, its getting dark out." I put the paper into the furnace and start to start a fire, I look through the cabinets and fridge for any extra goods i then take stock of my new haul and my old haul, my new haul has 3 cans of smoked ham, it probably has about 36 pieces each, 8 cans of beef jerky, each can has about 36 pieces, so alot of jerky and i can trade it hopefully, 6 cans of sweet honey barbecue beans, now those are worth alot if they atill have there flavor, three boxes of grahm cracker bread, which has about 24 pieces each, 1 jar of tomatoes, 1 jar of pickles, i hate pickles, 2 jars of potatoes, and 4 jars of water in the fridge with ice in them, tonight I will eat like a king, i have some good gear on me, a baseball bat with two saw blades in the bat at the top, a flip out knife, a dark green pair of jeans, an old faded red flannel, black shoes with a hole in my front left, but I ducktaped it so I should be good, a good size backpack with 1 change of clothes, 2 cans of beef jerky, 1 jar is almost empty, I have a few bandages, and that's it, you know it feels like I need a new pair of clothes, I go to the bedroom and go to the closet and grab a fresh pair of clothed, but while walking to the bed I trip on the carpet. I look at where I tripped, there is something underneath it, I peel the carpet back to reveal a hatch. Hm, I should check it out before I leave this place, I put the carpet back over it and go over to the sink, and I see something I haven't seen in a long long time. Soap, good old fashioned soap, I can take a bath and actually clean myself for once, so I grab the sink handles and brace myself and I turn the handles and there is water. "This day just keeps getting better!"

Before I get to excited, I think about that hatch. "Screw it, I'll check it out." I go to the room, peel back the carpet, and open the hatch, I click on my flashlight and ready my bat, I see nothing but a ladder, I tap the ladder with my bat, nothing, I climb down and see a switch on the right of the ladder, I flip it, nothing. "Whyd I think that'd work." I turn with my light and thays when I see 3 walls layered with jars. I rush over to the left wall, there's a label on top thay says alcohol, all of the jars on this side say that, then I go to the next one, better alcohol, then the next side says best alcohol. "No way, this guy was making his own alcohol, there like 36 jars on each wall?!" I hit the jackpot. "If I could take this back to Jamestown a few miles back I could be rich." No I can't do that, I'll take 2 jars of the beat alcohol and if I run into any survivors I could trade for some goods or services, I take one of the jars from the left wall. "This stuff will be for tonight, I deserve it afterall." I go back up, shut the hatch, lay the carpet back over it and go to my pack and but the 2 jars in my bag, I take off my dirty clothes and get clean, open up the Graham cracker bread, take 2 pieces out, take out a tomato and my knife, cut up the tomato, take out a few slices of ham, put it all together, and put it on top of the furnace to toast, while it does that, I go outside with my dirty clothes and start dragging my clothes on the ground out the other direction, and leave my clothes out there, I go back, grab my sandwich, open my drink, sit in the rocking chair. "Tonight is going to be a really good night." I take a bite, good crisp bread, juicy tomatoes, and good smokes ham. I take a drink and it goes down smooth. I finish my sandwich and go to bed, ready for whatever I have to do tmr.

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