GOD Damnit Josh

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Kristian. So how many knight are injured.

Kristian ask Captain Jack

Captain Jack. Well the start of our journey we were at least about 50 now reduce to 10  20 are kill in action and 10 are injured

Captain Jack said to Kristian. 

Kristian. Here

Kristian give Captain Jack  a jar of healing potion

Captain Jack. What the what is this for

Captain Jack ask confused

Kristian. Healing potion there are writing on the glass geniuses

Now well you excuse me I have things I need to do and you have 10 days to stay here for your man injury to heal

Kristian said

And by the way Josh let's talk inside the house shall we

Kristian is grinning but there was a meaning in that grind it was dark and scary

Josh was sweating bullets and try to skip but was grab in the back of his shirt and dragging him inside

The princess and captain Jack was confused but shrugged it off
And continue what there are doing

Meanwhile in Kristian house

Kristian POV.

I was dragging Josh inside and shoved him in the wall and point my combat knife at him and ask

Why did you lead them here

I ask him and he said

Josh. I was guided them to the road where the mountain kingdom are and was attack by
Bandit we were struggling to fight back but they out number Us

Fair enough

I said to Josh but

If you want someone to go where at least contact me you have my teleportation card right

Josh. yes I well not gonna forget that ever again

He said

Now that I am sure he well not forget next time and ask him the million dollar question

Why they need me

I ask him and said

Josh. I don't know they were supposed to find you and help them fight the demon lord

I was silent and registered what the fu*k did I hear and ask him

Why me

He was thinking about what captain Jack said to him and give me the answer

Josh. Well he was looking for you because of the rumours about you getting rank A about a week and rank S in 2 days

He told me

Well that was a mistake to grind to much and had been in rank A to early

I was planning to get Rank A in A month but that was changed when i was trapped in a dungeon

Flash back*

What the I wake up at a strange place and it's dark I can't see sh#t in here

I was gonna get up and find out where the hell I am

I look to my hub and said that my health was at 20

I was scared I know how many blocks those need to get your health at 20

Ok I'm in the game I like what nowWhere stories live. Discover now