rising sun

1 1 0


[Place:water kingdom]

[Location: motel

[Status: awake]

[Kristian POV]

God damnit why do I have to be scared of cross taking over my body I could just take my body back if that happens.... right... right

As I walking around in my room  and thinking away to atlest a trying to form a plan if my etirnal demon manage to take over my body

Wait what if I train someone to have my knowledge of my magic and it's theory and my style of combat. If cross manage to take over my body... atlest someone had my knowledge to stop me like a student or a apprentice,

With the plan in my mind I'm ready to go out and fine my apprentice...but their is one problem...

Who I'm I going to teach that is the problem if I teach the wrong person with my knowledge they will use it either for rich or fem I need to find someone worth and had moral of using it to protect

With that I'm going straight to the castle to ask the king a request

[Kristian POV end]

[Time skip]


[Place: water kingdom]

[Location: castle]

We can see Kristian talking with king Arthur about his request

King Arthur: so you telling me you need a worthy apprentice to teach them your knowledge about magic and your theory of using it and your combat style as well if you ether Die from the battlefield I'm I correct

Kristian: yes king Arthur I'm scared of lossing my knowledge from dying and I always thinking of having a apprentice from the beginning since the day I master it

King Arthur: very well I well informed you that we well search for the best apprentice as for now let's talk,

Kristian: very well what do you want to talk about

King Arthur: do you have any love interest for my daughter

Kristian: sorry but I'm to young to even have any love interest

King Arthur: that's weird I thought you might have fallen for my daughter like the others

Kristian: sorry but my clan thought me one thing is that I'm to young to marry or to have a love interest because of you know the war [thought:well it is true that I was train by my clan but not in this second Life] and I was given a mental trauma of it but no

King Arthur: I see [thought:so he didn't even have the same thought of seeing my daughter that way the other's did but he instead concentrate to the war tell me what is your clan about and why are you not with the teen in your age] care to explain why

Kristian: well for starters my clan is famous for being the best elite and genius born there and it was known for being the only clan that can Rival any kingdom combined but sadly war in the south east started and what is the only threat for the war is my clan so day and night day and night me and my fellow clan member start to help to defend our land my father who is the head of my clan is with the meeting with the other clan or kingdom that we have allies to strike back but

Ok I'm in the game I like what nowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz