Stupidity + Intelligence

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Ok, let's play put a finger down.

Put a finger down if everybody tells you you're dumb, stupid, etc.

Put a finger down in you have nothing better to do than occasionally write lame Wattpad stories nobody's gonna read.

Put a finger down if you wonder about the dumbest things, eg- Why ice floats, Why the sky is blue, Why veges don't make us fat.

Put a finger down if you're failing (or close) to failing more then one subject.

Put a finger down if you think you have about every mental illness in the world

Put your finger down if your friends tell you to get therapy then claim you're faking it when things actually matter.

Put one finger down if you love your family and friends

Put a finger down if you are actually really mean, but people think you're being funny.

Put a finger down in you like to read romance books because it's sweeter than the people in your day-to-day life.

Put a finger down if you found a spelling error, typo, etc.

If you put more than 5 fingers down, I think we can be considered as very much alike. But you know what I find really weird? It that, at my age, people joke about mental illnesses and we're all basically sociopaths. No matter how hard you try to like the people in my year group, you can't help but find a major flaw in each person.

For example, Hames, he's popular among the boys, a decent enough person, keeps good team spirit, and does well in anything and everything. But he's got the main character mindset, always got the attention and is normally really pressuring. He's also got bad judgement.

Even my best friends have these major flaws. It's almost as if a person is manipulating me, slowly pointing out flaws so that they seem flawless. But then again, I see my own flaws. And there isn't a person I don't see a flaw in. But nobody's perfect right? Wrong.

The people who think they are perfect need a reality check. They people who know they're perfect need modesty. And the people who know they're horrible... It could go both ways.

Now back to the topic. Stupidity. Brainless. Dumb. A person with the same amount of IQ as a piece of chalk. It might be a blessing to be dumb. Then you don't know how important social skills and opinions are. You don't realise how much you don't know. Then there's the smart people to pretend to be dumb. They know how to do the least amount of work without letting anybody down.

But where would you fit into the scale?

I think I would be in the smack center. I'm dumb but smart. I do well in my studies so far, but lack the social skills necessary to truly be smart. People might beg different, but his is something you judge by yourself. Ignore the other homo sapiens for a while.

When I ask questions, people reflect them in different ways. They often tell me to stop asking dumb questions. Or say they don't know, which is fair. But what makes a person really dumb? Ignore grades, status, and income. Think of the way they talk, their ideas, their questions.

Intelligent people often have a lot of questions and are aware of how much they don't know. They are also not afraid to swear or say that they don't know something. They are often messy people and prefer to work at night. They also tend to prefer cold showers as it improves blood circulation. They are also empathetic, open minded and skeptical. They are also quiet most of the time, seeing as they process thoughts instead of speak them out loud.

Read up on it; it's very interesting.

After I typed that, curiosity got the best of me and you know what I find funny? Smart people make eyes contact and watch body language. Hey! What about the smart people with social anxiety? I'm pretty sure you can't make eye contact when you have social anxiety.

And according to google, to look smart, you should wear, thick glasses and never swear. Isn't that iconic? I call it STEREOTYPE! Nah, don't follow Google's advice. Honestly, That's so dumb. Thick glasses just means they have very, very bad eyesight. (And apparently don't know about contact lenses (Or don't want them. Dumb decision))

As proven by a website, "While there is a correlation between intelligence and poor vision, scientists have not determined any cause to link the two." This could be because poor vision could be because of reading in the dark, or watching Netflix until 3am. Simple as that.

So, intelligence is not determined by poor eyesight. The end. It is determined by their, thoughts, behaviours, idas, and habits.

For an example, somebody we all know was very very smart, Albert Einstein. He is know for messy hair and Math. But what other traits of high intelligence does he show? He was driven by logic, focused on tasks, naturally curious, and had high IQ. Not that we can all be helped for the IQ situation. As he himself said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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