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Manny's POV:-

Just the thought of the thylacine being real and being near us scares me. 'What am I talking about? They are not real!'

'But why do I feel like they are? ..... I mean, how can that exist? I must be spending too much time with Sid.'. Ugh, This new year is supposed to start great...

"Manny, relax... We'll sort things out in a while... Now focus on the party we're arranging tonight..." Ellie says.

"I know... I know... You're right, let's get to it." I say as I get up from under the tree I was sitting on to arrange the new year party with Ellie.

We talk as we walk to the place we are arranging the party. While talking, I look around in case, there is a thylacine.

I find none but I did see something brown behind the bush I think that's a rabbit.

We carry the decorations to the place in trunks.

We arrive at the place and we keep the decorations on the nearest rock table. A few hyraxes quickly come and pick up the decorations to decorate the place.

The place looked very good.

(Just imagine that it is not that much of an evening yet

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(Just imagine that it is not that much of an evening yet. The sun is a little more at the top since this is almost half-set. The place is also a little brighter than this.)

I'm surprised that a lot of people turned up at the party... I thought they would be scared of the thylacine rumour...


Sid's POV:-

Yay! I love parties! And family gatherings! It feels so warm to be together!

Well, we're not together yet... Diego is guarding, Peaches is with her friends, Manny and Ellie are decorating, granny is with precious, Crash and Eddie are preparing some new year pranks and Shira is hunting I think.

But I'm doing the most important thing of all! I'm supervising everyone! Yup, I sit here and watch them... And command them! 'I feel so cool.' I grin.

"A little more to the left! Little more! No, sorry, which is left? This side or this side? Oh! That way! That way!" I say to them. I look so cool!

There is a sudden bang on my head. "Ow!"

Ugh, granny...

Ugh, granny

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