Cell Block Training

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Kasumi wakes up on a bed. There were scientists around her.

She looks around. 'Where am I?'

"Ah she's awake." A man says coming over. "My name is Kotaro I'm sure your confused. You see your brother gave you and the reaper up for us to expirement on you."

She glared at them. "What gave it away that I was awake? My open eyes or your scientific experiments?"

Kotaro narrows his eyes at her. "Let's start."

They conduct many expiraments on her. They merge her cells with different colored energy.

Week one

The red one hurt. Like her whole body was in a burning house. Or it was the burning house. She was in too much pain to make analogies at the moment.

Week two

The yellow made gave her a shock then numbness. Kinda boring but that's the only way she knew how to explain it.

Week three

The green one felt spiked. Like there were thorns pricking every part of her body.

Week four

Kasumi draws figures on the glass. Then makes a cake. 

The clock turns 12:00.

She puts out the 'candles'. "Happy Birthday Kasumi..." She blows it. Wishing she could see her brother again.

Week five

The silver one was forceful. Like a strong gust of wind trying to knock her back.

Week six

The blue one felt like it was going to drown her. Like she couldn't breathe and immense pressure was straining her.

Week seven

A lady walked in her room as she was sitting in the corner while creating a flame from her finger tip.

Kasumi looks over and stops the flame. "Who are you?"

"I'm Aguri Yukimura. I'm here to check on your progress."

"Well I'm fine Aguri." Kasumi said with a shrug.

"W-well your master is doing ok-" Aguri stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"I don't care." Kasumi replied harshly.

She looks startled. "Y-you don't care? Why not isn't he your master?"

"He doesn't care about me. Ask him yourself. He will just brush it off." Kasumi says and her eyes catch on her shirt. "What's with the weird shirt?"

It had a blue backround and vegetables with faces on them. It said 'go green or go home!'

Kasumi herself hated greens.

She deadpanned. "That's what everyone says... but I fell in love with the brand before anyone said anything..."

"Well I said I'm fine so you can go now." Kasumi says turning away.

Aguri sighs and leaves. She goes into the reapers room.

"I just visited your student! She said the same thing about my shirt... like master like student I guess." She says trying to break the ice which was slowly cracking each day. "She said that.. you didn't care about her is that true?"

"She can handle herself." Is all he says with a wave of his hand.

'Just like Kasumi-Chan said. He brushed it off.' Aguri sighs. 'I have to fix this relationship!' She thinks determined.

"Are you ok? You look constipated." The reaper says.

She sweatdrops.

Week eight-ten

Kasumi sighs and does push-ups. 'I need to keep training even if im in here... I have to get out. To do that I must be stronger.'

When shes done push ups, she moves on to sit ups. She notices a little bar. Small but it would work. She does some pull ups. 'Master improviser over here.' She thinks to herself with a small grin.

She keeps doing these 3 work outs until nighttime when she drops to the floor.

She stands back up and runs back and forth in the small room. Changing direction fast to increase her agility. She hops back and forth.

She then practices knife movements without the knife.

She sighs. Sweat covered her. She wipes her face. 'I should try out those element things they injected into me!'

Soon her hair and eyes turns red. A flame appears in her palm. She keeps it for an hour before it dissapears.

Her hair and eyes turns blue and she makes a stream of water swirl around her and the room. She smiles at it and uses it to drench herself. Because oh god, she stunk and desperately needed a shower.

Her eyes turn silver while her hair stays the same. Because it was already silver. A gust of wind pushes her back into the wall but it stops her before she can.

Her hair and eyes turn green. Plants sprout from her open hand and a vine swirls around the room.

Her hair and eyes soon turns bright yellow. Electricity sparks from her finger tips.

Aguri watches from outside the door with sparkling eyes. 'Thats so cool! Such drive and determination. Now I see. They both probably wanted thier master to acknowledge them. They probably worked so hard.' She sighs and goes to the reapers room again.

((Since Kasumi and reaper are siblings they look just alike. Kasumi's hair and eyes just change to whatever element she uses. Just to clarify.

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