Sometimes You Just Have to Get Away

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Kasumi watches as Sugino throws a baseball at Korosensei.

Before it hits him he disapears and re-appears behind Sugino and Nagisa. "Top of the mornin' to ya!"

They just stare.

"Its usually polite to respond."

"G-goodmorning Sir!"

Kasumi sighs and leaves. 'I have a job today anyway why did I come up here?'

She goes back down the mountain.

She runs to a club in Tokyo.

She walks into it. A man stops her at the entrance. "Im sorry but you werent invited."

"Oh im sorry I got an invitation this morning!" She pulls out a fake invitation with a fake name.

"Do you have an ID?"

"Hai." Kasumi takes out a fake ID.

He sighs. "Very well. Welcome Miss. Matai."

Kasumi or Miss Matai bows and goes in.

She walks around ignoring the drunk men trying to flirt with her. 'Grooooossssssssss' She thinks and keeps smilling and walking.

She eventually find the man she was to assasinate. Kyodai Ashira. A huge Business man that was threatening multiple people at his building. He steals vasts amount of money and treasure from all around the world. Hes slipped by the government for ages. Someone that will and has caused problems.

Kyodai looks over at her. "Hello there girly." He slurs.

Kasumi bites back the urge to gag. She smiles. "Hello Ashira-sama.. I-i was wondering" She forces herself to blush a bit. "If I could talk to you... Alone?"

"Of course this way sweetheart." He says with a creepy smile.

'What a creep. How has no one been able to kill him yet?' Kasumi deadpans as she follows.

They walk to a room. "So wanna get to it?" He slurs.

Kasumi raises an eyebrow. "Sure"

She stabs him.

But he has a gun to her head. "You think I'm an idiot. I'm not drunk enough to know who I invited. I have a amazing memory. And I'm a assasin myself. How do you think no-one has been able to kill me? And now they send a little kid? Pathetic." He sneers with a wicked look.

Kasumi sighs. "Thank you. Now I can try out my new move."

"Whatever just die!" He shoots.

Before that her hair and eyes turned yellow. She appears behind him as the gun goes off. She twists his head.

He coughs and faints.

Her hair and eyes turn blue as more men come in at the gunshot. They all point their guns at her.

She sweeps them away with a wave of water. Her hair and eyes turn back to yellow as she electrofies the water.

They all are on the ground. "They wont have any memory of this.." She mumbles as she looks over.  "Hopefully.."

Her hair and eyes turn red. She puts a hand in Kyodai's heart. It burns up the surrounding area. But his body was still intact.

There were police cars coming outside.

She stands up and leaves. While going back to her apartment she takes off her gloves that she used so there were no finger prints.

All in all it only took 10 minutes.

Kasumi sighs. 'That took too long 10 minutes? Come on Kasumi. What did Reaper-san teach you? Get in get out or your dead. Why can I do anything right?'

She arrives home. 'Who knew that using it would be so exausting?' She falls on her bed.

Soon enough theres a knock on her door.

Kasumi looks up annoyed. "Nobody's home!"

"Shimazaki come to class!" A voice says.

Kasumi slams the door open. "Reaper-? Oh.. Hey sorry I thought you were someone else."

Korosensei is silent for a second. "Get dressed Kasumi! We have class you know!"

"No thanks." Kasumi closes the door and turns around to see Korosensei. She groans.

"Come on! Today will be fun I promise!"

"Oh yeah doing what? Math problems all day? So fun" She says sarcastically.

"No of course not! Please?" He begs.

"Why do you care so much?" She asks walking away.

"You smell like you've been in a fire did something happen?" He asks worridly.

"Leave me alone octopus I'm not coming today and thats that."

"... Is this your brother? And..." He asks looking at a picture of Kasumi and Jochiro smiling with The Reaper in the backround sighing.

Kasumi looks over. "If I go will you stop looking at my stuff?"

"Ah sorry!" He leaves. "See you in class!"

Kasumi gets dressed and walks to the summit of the mountain.

She sighs and starts the trek up.

When she reaches the building she sees Korosensei planting flowers at the students intruction. "Dont plant them at Mach 20! youll ruin them!" "Right! Sorry!"

Korosensei was hanging from a tree with reduced speed.

Kasumi calculates where he would go next. She grins and shoots. But the branch breaks right as she pulls the trigger. "Ah damn." She pouts.

The class sighs as he assigns extra homework.

They all go back to class. It was Home Ec.

Kasumi mixes the ingrediants together with Isogai.

"Your a good cook Isogai."

He laughs. "You think so? Thank you! You are too! You cooked your fish to perfection! And the sauce is amazing!"

"Thanks! Your Cheese Burger looks amazing. I'm not as good with word to describe it but it looks amazing! And your side dish complements it beautifully."

They both smile at each other.

Korosensei takes this time to take a picture of them cooking together and smiling. He does this with Nagisa and Kayano who were also making food.

Why were they doing this?

Well it was an assignment to make dishes from other places. Isogai and Kasumi were making Fish and Burgers. They couldn't decide between the two so they did both.

"Alright the stuff is done." Kasumi says.

Isogai nods and helps place it around the fish.

Kasumi didn't know what it was but found a recipe and it went with fish so she made it.

It was a kind of salad but who knows what kind.

Kasumi and Isogai sigh and wipe their foreheads. "We did it."

They got a perfect score and highfive. "Yes!"

"It could be a bit.. sweeter." Korosensei says stuffing his face.

"Its not supposed to be sweet!" The class says.

((Thanks for reading :)

Assassination Classroom: Yoso YuzaWhere stories live. Discover now