Escape yay

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Week eleven

Kasumi sighs and sits agaisnt the wall.

They tested her again today to see what she could do. It was very draining.

They found out about the flame and how she had been training her powers also. They put her in a smaller and enforced cell.

'Maybe... I can play dead? I'll have to slow my heart down and stop it for a few seconds at the right time. Can I do it?' Kasumi looks at her hands doubtfully.

The next day

Aguri lets out a gasp when she find out that Kasumi died.

Kotaro rolls his eyes. "Dont tell me you actually cared for that brat? You should've known she was replaceble."

"She wasnt replaceble!" Aguri says suddenly without thinking.

Kotaro turns around enraged. "Did you just talk back to me?!"

The reaper eyes the bruises. "Kotaro again? What happened?"

"... Reaper-san... Kasumi... Shes dead." Aguri cries. "They found her this morning with bruises and scratches. They asume exaustion from practicing."

The reaper is silent. 'Yeah right. She's not that reckless I taught her better than that.' He lets a small laugh out. 'She actually got away.'

She looks at him surprised. "D-do you really not care?"

He just scoffs.

Kasumi shoots upright and her heart feels like its going to jump out of her chest. "I-i did it"

She stumbles out of the alleyway. "Really? A alley?" She shakes her head.

Within the next two months Kasumi gets a apartment and into a school: Kunugigaoka.

She forgot to change her name before putting it on her school aplication. 'You're such an idiot.' She tells herself in annoyance. 'Why cant you do anything right?'

She didnt want to be at the top so she stays in Class-C but drops down to Class-D due to absences for personal reasons. (Assasination)

She met boys named Nagisa Shiota and Karma Akabane.

They were cool. Nagisa was shy and Karma... he was interesting but in a cool way.

She walks up behind them with her hands stuffed in her pockets. "Hey guys." Kasumi grins, putting her arms around them.

They both jump. 'I didnt even sense her presence.'

It startled them both.

Nagisa smiles. "Hey Kasumi."

"Sup." Karma greets.

A few months later Nagisa was moved to class 3-E. Karma got out of contact with the both of them after he was expelled. Kasumi stayed in contact with Nagisa.

December was cold. That was for sure. Kasumi thinks as she light a fire with her power.

For the next four months she keeps up with assasination and honing her newfound power.

Soon came March.

Kasumi looks at the principle.

"Due to your rising absences and falling grades you are being sent to 3-E. That is all."

She walks out. Kasumi was fine academically but its due to her laziness with doing the assignments and absences that her grades dropped.

She sighs as she watches the news before her first day.

'70% of the moon destroyed? Interesting... Alright time for school!' She hops out. 'I can finally be in the same class as Nagisa. He was cool and let me copy his homework... He was also a good friend I dont use him just for homework. Promise.'

She walks in. The class looks up at her. So she takes the liberty of introducing herself seeing as there was no teacher yet.

"Hello... Uh im Kasumi Shimazaki. Its a pleasure to meet you all." She salutes half heartedly.

The class gave her a good welcome. Dispite their reputation.

She sits in the back near the middle in a empty seat. There was a empty seat next to her.

There was a wierd slithering noise soon heard from the hallway.

'Is there a snake?' Kasumi thinks remembering the many, many snakes on the way up.

((Sorry, it was kinda fast paced. But I hope you enjoyed :)

Assassination Classroom: Yoso YuzaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant