Be You

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Your hands caress your moonlit thighs

Head distraught filled with so many whys

Why me why this why now

The pressure of society kills you, you sigh

Every time you put your mask on

Every time you let them get to you

Every time you want to give in

But you are strong don't let them win

Sometimes life gets you down and out

Knocked out for the count

You need to stand up for everything

You are and everything you believe in

Do, without remorse

Love, with due course

Kiss, quick and passionately

Kill your demons

Release yourself from your own chains

Revel in the sunlight that is your name

Wear your marks like badges of honour

Just please be yourself


Background Story:

This one is about not only body positivity, but just general positivity. Sometimes we all get super down and can be hard on ourselves. I wanted to write a little poem that could inspire people. I wanted it to go from like a sad place to an uplifting place so you see the contrast.

This song really needs no explanation, Mary Lambert rocks her insecurities. I adore her music and this song is absolutely perfect for this poem.

Hope you all rock those bodies with confidence. There's no such thing as a beach body, every body is a beach body be proud.

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