A New Arrival

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Burning, that's all Chuuya can remember. His lungs burned as he tried desperately to draw in breath but found nothing but cold salt water. His muscles ached as he tried to swim to the surface of whatever body of water he was in, but within mere moments his body went limp and he began sinking once again. In a desperate act of last minute survival his body began glowing red and his eyes shot wide open burning from the salt water but he barely even noticed it as a deafening scream in his mind grew louder and louder trying desperately to break free until a hand grasped his wrist and he was pulled to the surface.

As they broke surface level and he was dragged onto solid ground he was turned onto his side as he began practically spewing up water from his mouth as he then coughed and coughed until his throat burned worse than the water ever made it feel. As Chuuya slumped onto his back his breathing was shallow and weak, his blue eyes blurred and unfocused, the last words he could hear was a woman asking if he's alright and for him to just breathe...but the only question on his mind was "Where the hell is my hat?" before the light faded and he finally blacked out.

As the acting Grand Master for the Knights of Favonius, Jean had been patrolling the bridge leading into the city of freedom as she'd completed all of her usual tasks although she still felt energised when she heard a loud splash and turning her head she saw a hat floating on the water and a body sinking deep into the water with no signs of consciousness. Thinking quickly she called out to the guards nearby.

"Someone call for the medics! Someone's fallen in the lake!" She didn't waste any time and dove in off the side of the bridge swimming down to the body she vaguely saw through the water when she noticed a red glow surround the body, she grabbed their wrist and swam for the surface pulling the now, barely, conscious man out and laying him on the ground watching him puke up the water realising he had inhaled a lot of it.

"Are you alright? Just keep breathing!" She spoke as she helped him lay on his back realising he was rather small and petite, his skin deathly pale as he inhaled and exhaled with his blue eyes clouded by the daze of almost drowning. She watched as he slowly blacked out fully.

Not wanting to waste any time she slipped her arms under the ginger's body and picked him up before noticing the hat wash up beside them. She used one arm to hold the man and picked up his hat setting it on his chest as she headed back for the city, seeing other knights and medical staff approaching her.

Some Time Later

It was early morning in Mondstadt as it had been a number of weeks since the mysterious ginger had fallen into the lake around the city. Since then a terrible situation sprung up worse than ever before, one of the four winds had turned on the city and became known as Stormterror, only to be saved from the corruption that made him do so by Jean, a winery owner, a god disguised as a bard and a traveller from beyond this world.

But Chuuya remained in this comatose state, his condition stable but he didn't wake from his slumber. To Chuuya everything was a black void, nothing but darkness. He'd never really been able to "dream" so whenever for whatever reason be it exhaustion, being hit real bad or the after effects of his trump card he always just knew...nothingness until he woke up.

Currently in the land of the not depressing real world standing beside the bed Chuuya was laid in was a young looking bard with black hair which faded into aqua blue at the tips which hung in front of his face. "So this is who you saved from the river? Hmmm...nope don't think I've ever seen him before, sorry" He looked towards the one who saved Chuuya, Jean. Who had hoped he had some idea of who the ginger was.

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