Back In Action

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I will warn you, this chapter has BSD spoilers the anime has not covered at all yet. Mainly some Stormbringer details.

Chuuya currently walked through Mondstadt, his hands stuffed in his pockets. A bag hanging around his wrist as he walked, having been shopping due to the apartment not having stuff in already. He had a pounding headache from drinking as like always he got drunk rather easily yet kept going. And he forgot to eat so his body didn't have much to break down the alcohol with, making it more of a pain for his future and now present self.

Spotting the apartment bedroom window and realising he wasn't in the mood to go inside the normal way Chuuya looked side to side before he activated his ability and just began walking up the building and climbing in. He began putting food away and everything else he bought, just about to get something cooking when the winds coming through the window carried a soft sound.


He instantly turned towards the window, his eyes narrowing before he looked back and forth between his soon to be meal and the window before he signed heavily and just rocketed out the window at high-speed.

Venti sat on a small hill playing a song on his lyre. Completely absorbed in his work as he sat there, humming along with his tune as not too far from him a Wooden Shieldwall Mitachurl was charging after the song brought it over from it's camp. As Venti turned upon hearing it he showed no alarm as a red glow slammed into it from the side practically dragging it along the earth before it slammed into another hill.

As the Mitachurl tried to get up a foot slammed onto it's chest and it fell flat against the floor as a crack rang out. Chuuya stood atop the creature no longer glowing red, having simply slammed his foot down really hard. "You need to pay more attention, bard" as Chuuya turned his head to see Venti walking over Venti realised Chuuya looked....incredibly hungover from their drinking. Since they'd went back to drinking the prior night.

"I don't need to worry with you watching my back~" Venti laughed as he sat on a rock nearby. "I'm your favourite little housemate!"

"You're my only housemate" Chuuya rolled his eyes before kicking the Mitachurl's arm down when it tried grabbing at him. Then he glowed red again with the aura being accompanied by a hum as he began crushing it underneath him which made Venti grimace then close his eyes shaking his head.

"Jeez just hurry up, I'd assume you're enjoying this a little too much" Venti sighed dramatically as with a thoom he opened his eyes quickly seeing the creature was now gone. With Chuuya now facing him clearly annoyed.

Chuuya walked over slowly looking down at the sitting bard who smiled awkwardly "Instead of sending your winds my way how about you just wait for me to get back if you want to explore, dumbass?"

Venti gasped in mock offence "my good sir I'm frankly dejected at this subjection of accusation. Besides freedom was nigh and I fly high, you can't expect me to restrain myse-" he stopped talking momentarily when Chuuya slammed his shoe into the cliff wall beside his head. "Too many rhymes?"

"Take a guess." Chuuya replied before lowering his leg back down making "I got some food in and commissions, apparently Jean set me up with the guild for when I'd be ready to head out again"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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