The Earth & The Darkness

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The Earth stood with her head held high,
And her eyes shining bright,
She swore to protect all of her daughters,
The Earth swore to raise her daughters to not be vain or unkind and to give back to those who need it the most,
Mars became envious of the Earth and Her Daughters,
Mars spread a darkness that tears the light apart,
A darkness that turns daughter against daughter,
A darkness that brought lies and  diseate,
The Earth threw herself in front of her daughters,
But it was all for nothing,
The darkness spread,
Burrowing deep into the hearts of The Earths daughters,
The Earths daughters turned against their mother,
They became greedy and untrustworthy,
The Earth wept for them,
She whelded no weapons at all,
All but one,
The weapon of love and kindness,
Generosity and trust,
When the darkness came for The Earth,
The Earth welcomed it,
for she was fearless of the dark because,
It was love that lasted,
love that saved her daughters,
Love that defeated the darkness,
Love that saved herself,
When The Earth grew older she swore to love her daughters,
Even when they didn't love themselves.

So I haven't proofread any of this tonight it is 10pm and it's been a long day. This is my second short story along with The Sun & The Moon. This is inspired by the beginning monologue from the One Act play Nellie based on '10 Days in a Madhouse' by Nellie Bly. I am on my way to 100 parts, about half way there. 100is my goal for this book and then it's completed. I might start another one who knows.

Written 2/3/23
Stay Strong, Beautiful, and Kind🖤
Word count: 266 words. :p

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