2. fake dates are better than real dates

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You never should've agreed to this.

It's not because of Levi. Levi and Erwin were both nice enough. You spent another hour or so at the coffee shop, talking a bit more about classes and exams while making awkward eye contact with Levi. Soon enough, your social battery runs out, and maybe fifteen minutes after that, Hange takes pity on you and the two of you head back.

You gave Levi your number before you left, and by the time you're home, he's already texted you so that you've got his number too. You hadn't minded talking to him, so maybe a fake date won't be that bad.

No, Levi's not the problem. It's Hange.

Because what Hange lacks in tact and self-awareness, they make up for in enthusiasm. Over the next few days, while you bury your nose in your books in preparation for some of the worst exams of your life, Hange drops... hints, for lack of a better word, about how to handle Levi and how to be in a relationship and how to be a good kisser, and yeah, that's about where you consider blocking them on your phone.

The more Hange talks about it, the more nervous you get about it. The more you start to think that maybe this is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. You've had one boyfriend, and that was... well, at least a year ago. And a fake boyfriend? How the hell are you supposed to manage that? There's so much to go over: you have to cram a three or four month dating period into one date. You have to know so much about him, and he'll have to know so much about you, and...

It's daunting. But, in a spur of confidence, you already texted your family group chat don't count me out yet, which has incurred a significant amount of nagging from your mother, your aunts, your damn grandmother, and almost every single one of your cousins. You don't want to say this is a sure thing, but you also don't want them to rule you out of having your own room in the lodge just yet.

Fuck. You shouldn't be thinking so much about this, not when you've got exams. "Priorities, dumbass," you mutter to yourself, tossing your phone on your bed so you can stop staring at Levi's contact, wondering if he's as conflicted as you are.

(He is. At least, that's what Hange tells you that Erwin's told them, but you don't know if you believe it.)

The only good thing is that you already took the biggest step- saying yes in the first place. Now, it would actually cause you more anxiety to try and say no, I've changed my mind than to keep going with it, so... yeah, you can stick with this.

You're three exams in and studying for the fourth when your phone finally buzzes with a text from Levi.

Levi (19:03): still up for this

Are you? Yeah, you think so, as long as he is. You really don't want to subject him to your crazy family unless he's one hundred percent okay with it.

Besides, this is just a date. A fake date, at that. No one has to agree to anything yet.

You (19:04): yep

You (19:04): you?

Levi (19:05): yeah

"Well, isn't this a riveting conversation," you grumble to yourself as you watch those three dots on your screen that indicate that Levi's typing.

Levi (19:05): my last exam is the 19th, you?

You (19:05): same, but I'm the TA for an exam that's happening on the 20th

Levi (19:06): I can meet you on campus on the 20th

Levi (19:06): figure our shit out from there

You (19:06): sure, I'll be done at one if that works for you

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