Chapter 9

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             Wei Wuxian surprised himself waking up before the 5 am bell. Knowing it was too close to waking time made him too stressed to go back to sleep. Today they were supposed to talk to some Lan elder in seclusion. That would have been fine Wei Wuxian didn't mind talking to any kind of person. What worried him though was that they were pretending nothing was different between him and Lan Wangji. Normally he should still be stuck writing the rules in the afternoon before his friends would pick him up from the library. So maybe going after class was not such a good idea after all.

            Mind made up he got ready for the day before sending a paper man asking Lan Wangji to meet him by the river where he was the day before. He made sure no one saw him make his way towards the back hills and sat on the rock he had meditated at. It was only a few minutes later that a worried Lan Wangji came into the clearing glaring at Wei Wuxian. "Wait Lan Zhan don't get mad I was just thinking we wouldn't have a chance to visit the elder later if we are pretending. So then I thought we have a few hours before classes so why not go now?" Lan Wangji's glare lightened a bit before fully disappearing. 

         Seeing that Lan Wangji was no longer aggravated at him Wei Wuxian rushed to hug the boy good morning. It was funny to think Wei Wuxian could now see Lan Wangji's eyes soften while looking at him. Lan Wangji gave a nod and took Wei Wuxian by the hand starting to walk farther into the back hills where students were not allowed. It barely took ten minutes to find the first elder's house. The house itself was elegant and large it even had its own courtyard with a spring as its centerpiece. Both boys were in awe this place was majestic and bigger than the Lan sect leader's residence. With a last uncertain glance at each other, they knocked at the front door.

          Almost immediately the melodic voice of a woman sounded behind the door asking for a moment. The voice was sweet, comforting, powerful, and musical.  The boys automatically felt at ease.  Then the door opened and both were speechless for a few seconds just staring at the beautiful woman. 

        She was tall and elegant with a gentle aura of power around her. They could tell this woman had cultivated to immortality from the sheer glow of power surrounding her. The most striking feature however was her sharp silver eyes that so matched Wei Wuxian's. She even looked like him except her features were softer. She even had the same curious gleam Wei Wuxian had though her smile was small and inviting. Bringing a hand to her mouth she coughed to get their attention.

         Both boys blushed and bowed in apology for staring so rudely. She just laughed sounding like bells "It is fine it has been so long since I entertained young ones please come in and have some tea. Then you young ones can tell me how you found your way to my hidden home." She allowed them in and led them to a small table with a ready-made pot of tea before sitting down and motioning for them to join her.

         They all sat quietly as she served the tea and waited for them to speak. After a few minutes with no change, she rolled her eyes in a very unLan move before speaking. "Children come speak to me. My house was enchanted so no one would find it unless they were looking for me specifically so how can I help you, boys? Wei Wuxian finally gathered his thoughts to speak to her. "Forgive us my name is Wei Ying courtesy Wuxian and this is Lan Zhan courtesy Wangji. We came here today at the request of Lan Yi. You see I have just been freed from a slave contract to Yummeng and want to be with my soulmate. We are not currently strong enough to keep ourselves safe and together if they come to pull us apart. Plus his Uncle already said he would rather kick him out or seclude him than to see him with me. I--All we need is for you to please go to Lan Yi's cave in 6 days during the lunch meal time." To emphasize his point Wei Wuxian bowed low to the ground followed by Lan Wangji.

            Gentle hands pulled them up out of their vows. "Children I should tell you I am not a Lan so I will need a guide to take me to Lan Yi's cave. Apart from that of course I would go support my great-grandson and his mate. I am Wen Li direct descendant of the original Wen line that build the sect and the last survivor of the atrocities people do to gain power. I was given Asylum here in Cloud Recesses but in exchange, I can not leave it unless I marry someone from the Lan clan. It is nice to know you are alive Wei Wuxian is your father Chanze well?"

          Wei Wuxian just stared back his mind a jumbled mess. Lan Wangji seeing his turmoil spoke up. "Madam I am sorry to say Wei Chanze passed away when Wei Ying was only a child." The woman's face filled with grief and pulled Wei Wuxian in for a hug. " Hey little one I know it doesn't make up for anything but now that you found me you may always come back. I am your family after all besides I can sense your phoenix stirring and I have all the books from our old clan. Your father trained under me when he was around 14 years of age a very serious young man. If you let me I will teach you all I know and once your true power awakens no one will contain you but yourself." Wei Wuxian nodded still wrapped in her arms it felt so nice to be held normally he was the one holding others.

         They made plans to come at least a few hours before curfew every time Wei Wuxian could get away. She gently patted bother their heads before they left making sure Lan Wangji knew he was always welcome and included as family. Both boys walked away in silence their minds processing everything that had just happened. Seeing Wei Wuxian's still addled state Lan Wangji took advantage of their surroundings and pulled Wei Wuxian into a deep kiss making the boy's brain stall out before responding.

          Pulling away Lan Wangji gave him a smug look "better?" Wei Wuxian didn't know if he wanted to be upset at being played like that or proud that serious Lan Wangji was teasing him. "Lan Zhan! How could you? Here I am emotionally compromised and you take advantage? I never knew you had it in you. What about my honor as a poor defenseless student? hmmm," Wei Wuxian leaned on Lan Wangji through his rant like a fainting maiden to Lan Wangji's amusement. "Wei Ying will survive" Wei Wuxian just burst out laughing not expecting that answer from the stoic boy before they pulled away and went to classes for the day already thinking of what the next day would bring.            

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