Chapter 13

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                 Wei Wuxian woke up feeling warm and cared for. It had been a long time since he cuddled with anyone. The fact that the person cuddling with him now was like his older brother made him feel safe. He carefully rose from the bed to get ready, ensuring not to awaken Nie Huasang. By the time he was done a sleepy Nie Huasang was sitting up rubbing his eyes. " A-xian do you want me to go with you to visit Yanli-Jie?" His voice was barely a whisper but made Wei Wuxian's heart warm knowing he had support if he needed it. "Not right now Huasang but maybe you can meet us in Caiyi for lunch?" The boy nodded and went right back to sleep making Wei Wuxian laugh at him.

                The first thing Wei Wuxian did when he walked out of the room was send a paperman note to his shijie. Hopefully, she would be agreeable to meet so he could pamper her in Caiyi. With those thoughts in mind, he rushed to the gates disgruntling a few Lan disciples on the way in his haste. It took about twenty minutes before she showed up. If he didn't know her better he would have said she was fine but her smile didn't seem to reach her eyes. Seeing the pain in her eyes was heartbreaking he didn't know whether he should beat Jiang Cheng for the fight or the peacock for breaking the engagement. He rushed to her side hugging her tightly while pulling her to a more secluded area nearby. "Shijie I'm here." That was all it took for her tears to cascade down her face.

              They stayed like that for quite a while before she pulled away clearing her tears. She placed her small hand on Wei Wuxian's cheek tenderly giving him a small but genuine smile. "Thank you A-xian I'm ok now it's better this way. I just always thought young master Jin and I were going to get married. This forced me to realize he doesn't love me. I was fantasizing about our marriage as everything my parents don't have but it would never happen without love. So yes I am hurt but at least this way I am free to maybe find someone that really loves me for me not because my mother is forcing them." Wei Wuxian smiled brightly at her before letting her know how proud he was of her making her let out a genuine giggle at her little brother.

         Not wanting to waste any more time he led her to Caiyi talking about light topics to make sure she was happy. In Caiyi they went from stall to stall looking at all their wares, laughing, joking, and playing. Yanli burst out laughing when Wei Wuxian tried on makeup without help and batted his eyelashes teasingly at her. She had to grab a moist towel to clean his face while he pouted about her not finding him pretty. He bought her many gifts on the way but it was a strange intricate silver headpiece with lotuses that he hid from her quickly that caught her attention. She looked at him curiously knowing he had never cared for fancy headpieces let alone such expensive ones. He just gave her a mischievous smile before dragging her laughing to the next stall.

          They doubled back to get lunch at a well-known inn with Nie Huasang. The boy saw them coming and ran almost tackling Jiang Yanli in a hug. He kept telling her how she deserves better than some entitled peacock making her giggle. Laughing Wei Wuxian pulled them inside to a secluded table. Jiang Yanli stared curiously as Wei Wuxian fidgets nervously while Nie Huasang seems to be bouncing in place. They ordered and silence reigned till Wei Wuxian spoke in a small voice. "Shijie I found my soulmate." Silence followed before she jumped up excitedly wrapping her arms around him. "That's amazing A-xian what is she like? Does she know? How did you meet her? Tell me everything." She pulled away a bit to look at her blushing brother when Nie Huasang burst out laughing hysterically.

          "Did I say something wrong?" She asked worried about crossing her brother's personal boundaries. Wei Wuxian seemed more open than Jiang Cheng but that was only because he knew how to reroute the conversation. Nie Huasang was the one that told her the problem since it seemed that Wei Wuxian was too embarrassed to address it. "Yanli-Jie  it is not a she his soulmate is a he." Her mouth made a small oh of surprise but her eyes became gentle. "A-xian there is nothing to be ashamed for not many people get the right to a soulmate you know? So tell me all about him. I have to meet him to make sure he doesn't hurt my little brother." 

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