Chapter 28

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                Lan Xichen was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It had been more than three months since his brother and Wei Wuxian had gone missing near the Burial mounds. Their link wasn't working so none of them could teleport to where they were. The war had started full force just that day and they could already see the losses they would have would be great. The only reason he was still standing was because of the sweet Jiang Yanli. That woman was amazing. She had this ability to make people want to follow her words. His sect had cultivators who were more worried about disappointing her than dying. It was all very strange to him since she never asked anything of them. She would cook for the frontlines, make candies to boost morale, even helped in the healer's tent, and never asked for anything from anyone. Safe to say she had most of the cultivation world in her hand and the war had barely started.

               More to the point out of their group of immortals only Lan Xichen was in the front lines since Nie Mingue was not allowing Huasang to join. As an older brother, he understood but as a commander knowing of the boy's hidden power, it was frustrating. Still, it worked out that thanks to Nie Huasang's help many Wen had switched sides to aid them. They were waiting to meet with Wei Wuxian. That was another stressful matter. He didn't want the people who joined them to think him a liar all because Wei Wuxian wasn't there. Oh, and they wanted to place Wei Wuxian as their new leader which would take away Lan Wangji from his side. Lan Xichen placed his head on the papers on his desk inside his war tent with a tired sigh. 

                The door flap opened to show a smiling Jiang Yanli with a tray of food. He hastily got up to take the heavy tray from her and set it on the table while she giggled. They sat on opposite sides of the table and she served out the food. "Yanli-Jie how can you smile so brightly with everything going on." The question left his mouth before he could help it surprising both of them in its forwardness. She got herself under control quickly giving him a small smile. " Xichen I can only smile and wait. Letting others see how everything affects me will not change what is happening. Everyone here has lost someone the least I can do is receive them with a smile and hope for the best. Besides I have faith in our little brothers to come back soon. Now eat and focus on now we want them to be proud of us when they get back." She began eating slowly letting Lan Xichen process her words before picking up his own utensil to eat.

             After the food was done she started helping him to make battle plans along with Nie Huasang through their mind link. At this time, Nie Huasang disclosed some rumors he wanted to be checked out. Jiang Yanli volunteered to go and see what was really happening. Apparently, some of the Wen watchtowers had been annihilated but no death was the same for any corpse. The trail seemed to be heading in the direction that Huasang's spies had mentioned was Wen Chao's last known location.  They argued for a long time not wanting Jiang Yanli to go off alone just in case it was dangerous but she was stubborn. She eventually won the argument.


              Jiang Yanli rushed to the watchtower that Nie Huasang had suggested as the next foreseen attack location. She was hopeful that she might find a clue to what had really happened to her little brother. As she closed in on the place she worried she may be too late with the huge scent of blood in the air so she picked up the pace. Landing on the only roof she felt a qi signature she removed some of the ceiling so she could see in. She was shocked to see the floor coated in red with bodies thrown all around. A pale but stoic Lan Wangji stood in a clean corner holding his egg. His clear golden eyes were the only hint that he was worried at all about the current situation. Amidst all the carnage and dismembered parts stood a pale Wei Wuxian with every part of his body below his mouth coated in blood. He sniffed the air before his eyes looked toward her and widened. He seemed to shrink into himself whimpering while looking down in shame.  

            She quickly rushed to where the window of the building was and jumped in. Her little brother looked like he was ready to run at the sight of her. Without conscious thought, she rushed over to him and hugged him close not caring about the mess. All she could think about was how grateful she was to see her brother and his family again. It took a few minutes before he relaxed in her arms and started to cry. She linked to Lan Wangji asking about what had happened. "Yanli-Jie he was bound to the burial mounds until he could fully fuse with it. That includes assimilating every corpse, every spirit, every emotion, and every memory. Add that his phoenix was pushed to its rebirth cycle and he can only rely on the Vampire heritage he hates. Oh and since the phoenix isn't there he is forced to actually feed now and he hates himself for it." Her eyes watered wishing she could do something to aid her little brother. He probably thought she would call him a monster or something like that.

            With a small smile, she pulled away before dragging him towards the clean spot his husband sat in. Jiang Yanli sat down pulling Wei Wuxian down with her so he would lay his head on her lap while he protested that he was too dirty. She understood he didn't just mean physically. Honestly, no matter what he did he was still her little brother so she forced him down before undying his hair to run her fingers through. She hadn't done that since he was around eleven years old but she knew he needed the comfort. Wangji took out his guqin and played rest to further ease the atmosphere. " My poor Xian-Xian has been so busy lately Shijie just wants to comfort you but it seems you're too big to want Shijie's comfort right?" Wei Wuxian turned his head looking at her scandalized before lying back down with a small smile. "I'm not too big shijie Xian-Xian is only three years old." She giggled happy that he played along. " Oh, really three is much too big I think you're around one. Oh no, I guess we have to tell Wangji you aren't married anymore since you are a baby right?" He jumped off quickly seeming to want to throw himself at his husband to stop the separation before he noticed the small smiles of Lan Wangji and herself. He just pouted till she poked his nose and he laughed happily.

             Yanli could tell Lan Wangji was relieved to see his beloved laughing again it must have been rough on him too these last few months. With a closer look at him, she could now see the slight bags under his eyes and the way his hands shook slightly. It took her a few minutes to realize he was feeling drained. Knowing Wangji he wouldn't let Wei Wuxian feed off anyone but himself hence why all the enemies had been killed in different ways instead of being fed on. The egg still needed yang energy daily as well so he was basically feeding Wei Wuxian and their child from himself without taking care of himself. With a furrow of her brows, she looked at he brother showing him how disappointed she was making him panic. "A-Xian I know you have to feed but have you been stopping to care for your husband? He still needs regular food and rest to stay healthy. Wangji is strong but feeding you and the egg while practicing Inedia is too much I expect better from you." 

             Wei Wuxian's eyes widened as if just realizing what he had done. He meekly went over to Lan Wangji and bowed his head to the floor much to Lan Wangji's horror asking for forgiveness. It was obvious to Jiang Yanli that Wangji was too worried about Wei Wuxian to say anything. So she was going to make sure her little brother made it up to his husband. She took the egg surprised when her little brother growled at her before he turned red and looked away. " A-Xian we are going now pick up your husband it's time you take care of him look how tired he looks. Come on hurry we will find an inn for us to rest for a day or two before joining the others." Without waiting for a reply she turned away and left knowing they would follow.  With an impish smile, she rushed ahead and waited by a lake for the lovers. Just as they nodded to her so they could keep moving forward she pushed them in laughing at their wet sputters. "Sorry, but we don't want to scare civilians now do we?" Both gave her a deadpan look knowing she had pushed them in just for her own amusement before they started cleaning up as much as they could with clothes still on. In their thoughts was just one thing that they would have to get her back when they made it back to camp.    

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