Chapter 6- Muse and Shops

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As Phil and Dan lived exceptionally close to each other they decided to walk to school together. Phil knocked at the door of Dans house. No answer. He knocked again. A noise came from what looked like their upstairs bathroom. He laughed to himself because he could hear Dan singing to himself. Phil recognised the song straight away it was The Muse album 'Origins of Symmetry'. Phil loved that album. When Dan came to the door he saw Phil smiling at him and realised that Phil had heard him singing in the bathroom.

"Hey," giggled Phil "I heard you singing Muse in what I guessed was your bathroom."

"Oh," Dan went bright red with embarrassment then smiled. "It's my favourite album 'Origins of Symmetry' I'm OBSESSED with Muse. I've seen them in concert before! It was awesome!" Dan started sings the lyrics like he had done before, but this time Phil joined in. They both laughed.

"I've seen them a few times in concert, it would be awesome if we went together next time we go!" Said Phil enthusiastically.

"Hell yes! That would literally be the best day ever!" Dan yelled clapping his hands with excitement. "Thank you Phil this literally the best time I've had in quite a while literally!" Said Dan hugging Phil.

"I swear you love the word literally! You say it all the time!" Giggled Phil.

"I don't say it that much do I?" Said Dan smiling.

Near where Dan and Phil went to school was a row of shops, and everyday the both of the looked inside the shop windows and stared at all the awesome stuff there was.

Oh my bloody gosh!!" Screamed Dan tugging on Phil's blazer.

"What? What is it?" Asked Phil

Dan was staring at two objects that were placed inside the shop window oh so delicately. One of these two object were a llama hat and a bright colour block Tetris light.

"I litera- love llamas!! This is so awesome as well!" He put his nose against the glass and stared at the prices of these beautiful objects. "Im going to them two after school! There so cheap and super cool and... Phil are even listening?" Phil was way past listening he had been hypnotised by teddy from the shop next door. The toy was a small lion that in Phil's eyes looked cute and adorable.

"Awwwww! I shall buy this. And he shall be mine. And I shall name him Lion!" said Phil proudly.

Dan laughed and pulled him away from the shop and walked through the gate and into school.

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