The Station

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"I can't believe it!" Yelled Pj.

Dan and Phil smiled at each other

"Come on guys. We need to go home now." said Mia from behind them. Dan sighed, and took Phil's hand. 

"Come on Phil." said Dan tugging at Phil's shirt. Phil said a final goodbye to Chris and Pj and walked away from the door.

"That was incredible!" said Phil excitedly as they walked out of the apartment building,"I wish we could start the school right now!"

"Same!" said Dan. The train station was a ten minute walk from the apartment block so it wasn't far to walk. As they neared the station, Dan and Mia stopped in their tracks. As Phil was holding Dan's hand he got jotted backwards. Phil looked around and saw what they were staring at. A woman. In a suit. Smiling wickedly at them. Tears started to trickle down Mia's cheek. Phil felt anger running through his body as the woman started to walk towards them.

"My darlings!" she shouted, pulling Dan and Mia into a tight hug. Meanwhile Phil could feel the hatred adrenalin pumping through his veins. 

"I've missed you so much. Mia, Dan. My babies!" she yelled. She then shot a look of detest at Phil. "And who are you?" she spat out. Phil looked over at Mia. Mia shot him looks of absolute terror.

"Phil. My name is Phil."

"Well Phillip, i suggest you take the train by yourself. Mia, Dan and I have a little catching up to do."

"No, it's ok. Mia and Dan were taking me home."

"I'm sure you can make it back by yourself." she said, "Its only two stops away." she fluttered her fake eyelashes at Phil and smiled. Phil didn't know what to do. He would never win.

"Mother i have to take him home." stuttered Mia with terror. The woman looked at Mia with a piercing stare.

"Were you spoken to Mia? No. Do not speak unless spoken to my sweet." Mia sunk her head down so that she was looking at the floor. The woman then looked at her phone. "Oh dear, if you hurry you won't miss your train. I suggest you hurry."

Phil turned around and walked towards the train. Dan and Mia now had tears running down their faces as they saw Phil walk towards the train.

"PHIL NOOO!" Dan yelled pushing passed him mum. The woman grabbed hold of Dan's wrists making him fall to the ground in agony. "PLEASE PHIL. DON'T LEAVE US!" Dan sobbed tears now streaming down his face. "Please Phil. Please." 

Phil then knelt down beside Dan. "What am i supposed to do Dan? I can't win."

"P-please Phil. You can't leave now...can you?"

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