Chapter 13- Crabstickz

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"Well it's his nickname. But it's sort of a inside nickname. I'm KickthePj if you wanted to know, you can have a cool nicknames as well if you want. It would be amazing!" Said Pj jumping about.

"We'll think about it." Said Dan.

"Oh look there's Chris! Chris!" He shouted at a boy with brown hair. He looked scruffy yet neat at the same time.

"Yo! Pj, who are these piss takers? Are they shitter brickers? Wally wankers?" Chris was trying to acted hard, it made Pj laugh but Dan and Phil were scared out of their minds.

"Shut up you moron! Chris, these are my new friends Dan and Phil. They might be living opposite us, you know number twenty-three." Said Pj.

"Oh..." Said Chris, tucking in his shirt and tightening his tie up again. "Well you never know Dan who could be lurking about!" He said looking at Dan, "you know what I mean Phil? I don't know if your going to go and piss my brother from another mother off or whatever you, you know what I'm saying home brother?" Said Chris attempting to be cool, but failing dismally. The bell rang, so Phil, Dan, Chris, Pj and Mia had to go home. Pj and Chris showed Mia, Dan and Phil over to the apartment block and said goodbye as Pj and Chris went back into their apartment. There was a sign on number twenty-three saying 'come on in and view!"

Mia, Dan and Phil walked into the apartment. It was they could have imagined. So clean and it had a balcony to view the river.

"It's beautiful, I love it!" Said Phil smiling. Mia walked up to the estate agent who was there.

"Can I put in a query please?" Asked Mia.

"Of course. Is the apartment for you madame?" The agent asked.

"Well my...brothers are going to the gifted school down the road and we saw the ad for this place and thought we would come and look."

"Do you want to buy it?"

"Really? Now? That would be wonderful! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged the agent. She then ran over to Dan and Phil.

"Guess where your living in a few days!" She said jumping around.

"Ahhhhh! I love you Mia!" Said Dan and Phil together hugging Mia.

Phil nearly looked like he was going to faint he was so excited.

"Phil? Are you ok?" Asked Dan, sitting him down on a seat. Phil nodded.

"Are you serious Mia?" Asked Phil.

"Totally! So get packing!"

Phil ran outside and rang the bell to the door opposite. Dan ran out and knocked on the door.

"I'm comin'! I'm comin'!" Said a voice from behind the door. Chris stood in the door way.

"Who're you then?" Asked Chris. Pj walked to the door.

"Hey guys! Remember Crab, these are the guys we met at school?" Said Pj. Chris looked confused.

"The ones that nearly got their lights punched you."

"Oh yes, I remember now Kick." Said Chris looking them up and down.

Dan grabbed hold of Phil's hand.

"Can I talk to you a minute Pj?" Asked Chris. Pj nodded and shuffled curiously towards Chris.

"Is this really a good idea? You know, because they' know?" said Chris shuffling awkwardly.

"What? Anyway, our friends, are standing at our door not knowing what is happening, standing there like lemons Crabz. What is it?"

"They are," Chris cleared his throat. "Holding...hands Pj."

Pj smiled awkwardly and said "so?"

"So?! Are know..." He then whispered "gay?"

"Yes Crabz. They love each other, like you or I would like a hot girl. Ok, phew, I actually thought it was something worth hearing then." Pj smiled and walked towards the door.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Dan.

"Yep, everything is fine Dan. Anyway, did you want to talk or something?" Asked Pj leaning against the door frame.

Dan squeezed Phil's hand.

"Guess who's moving in opposite?!" Asked Phil excitably.

"Ahhhh!" Pj ran out and hugged Dan and Phil.

"What going on?" Asked Chris. Pj then pulled Chris into the hug and he smiled.

"Like one big difunctional family!" Said Chris.

"Exactly!" Said Dan.

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