W Rizz

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(an: sword is kind of a simp ngl)

"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb"

Of course this was my luck. That tall guy with white hair was in my section! He was a trombone too! I groaned. Of course. And I'd have to deal with him for another three hours! 

The director made some bad dad jokes, and during that time, I saw Tall Caucasian look over at his four friends: short dark-haired guy, short dark-haired girl, short blond guy, and of course, the fluffy, not-ginger-haired percussionist. I assumed they all came from the same school, but I hadn't realized they'd all be so close. 

Taking a peek at Tall Guy's name tag, I saw that it read Agnostic Penney. Dang he had a cool name too! I was about to look back at percussion and tried to read her name tag, but suddenly, the director started conducting, and quickly, I started playing. 

The time seemed to fly by super quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunch. The percussionists were dismissed first, and I watched her walk quickly towards the pizza. Her not-ginger hair matched the color of the cheese on the pizza, which shined. The hair, not the pizza. 

My section was dismissed next, and I practically flew towards the line. Then I saw Stony and our other friends and ignoring my teenage instincts, I waited for them. I'd never felt like this before. I'd have to consult Brad later. 

"Dude!" Stony raised an eyebrow deviously. "I see you, man," My friends laughed with him, and I turned red not like her hair.

"Shut up!" My still high-pitched voice cracked in the middle of shut. Stony wrapped a moonlight-pale arm around me and chuckled deviously

"It's alright man, I know the perfect thing." I didn't completely trust Stony. After all, he was kind of devious. Still, he was the devious ladies' man of the group, so I trusted him. As we walked towards the line for pizza, he whispered deviously into my elf-like ear.

The next part was honestly a blur. But it was devious.

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