New member, new victim!

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It's another great day for Gogol. Just as usual, he's on his way to annoy Dos-kun, his intimate best friend. It's nice to have a friend who understand you. One problem is that Dos-kun never seem to have any interesting reaction to his games and quizzes. Sure, getting stared by his dead eyes with his sarcastic responses is quite funny and enjoyable. But it feels like something is missing, something more fun and goofy, a huge reaction he wanted.

Even with that said, annoying Dos-kun is still as fun as always! He's now standing Infront of Dos-kun's room, planning the most visous prank human will ever see.

"Ah! I'll just pop out from his laptop! That'll scares him! ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)"

Gogol gives out a long and loud scream, shocked. Who the hell is he?? A guy with bi-color hair, left side with purple and right side with white, looking haggard and innocent, in a white gown with a white coat on him. Got scared by Gogol's jumpscare, he huddled up and grabbed his coat tightly, warped it around himself.

Subtly, this all reminds him the white dove he saved before. It got treated as a toy by a bunch of kids, tortured and discarded by them. But Gogol was nice enough to treat the dove and set it free at last.

"Right on time, I was just introducing you to our newest member. Just like I described, right? Sigma?"

Sigma recovered his senses and nodded as a response. And Gogol is still staring at Sigma like a curious little kid while staying in the teleporter. This make Sigma feels kinda uneasy. He turns to Dostoy and blinked a few time in distress. Dostoy immediately gets it. He looks at Gogol with a smile and said,

"Nikolai, how 'bout you come take a sit and introduce yourself to him again? Look, he is confused."

"Ah, will do wil do (⁠ ⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)"

Gogol has a feeling, that he'll surely likes Sigma. Especially for his reaction to his prank. A new victim, he found.

As for Sigma, he has a bad feeling for it. Heck, he has a bad feeling for everything.


Gogol actually knew Sigma existence beforehand. He just didn't know what he looks like or when he'll arrive. During the introduction, Sigma didn't reveal his past at all. Without saying, they both know where he came from. Sigma didn't talk much about how those organisation used him or how he was abused. Gogol didn't ask about it too.

"Now, I've got something else to do. So excuse me for a bit."Dostoy said, as he walks out the door and then closing it.

"Haaaaaa he is so busying all the time! I wish we can have more chit chat time like this!"Gogol pouted.

"You guys... Are really good friends. (Also you call this a chit chat?...) "Sigma said with a smile, yet frowning subconsciously.

Gogol is very sensitive to others feelings. He knew Sigma crave for connection with people, but he couldn't just say "let's be friend" that easily. After all, Dos-kun is the only one who understand him and can count as a friend. But he also don't want to make him feel bad.

"Yeah! And now Sigma you're one of us too!(As a member!). Tomorrow you'll get on the sky casino right? We need to get you some new clothes. These are too plain and boring."

"These are okay, I don't see how clothes will affect my use and working ability."

*Sign* "Well then we'll just go around for fun! How 'bout that?" *finger gun ;D*

"I rather just stay alone."

"It's fun comonnnnn"

"I'm going to my room"

"Then let me walk you to your room.(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)"

Sigma nodded and started walking quickly. Gogol caught up to him.

They could have just teleported but they didn't. Gogol is so interested in Sigma, that even just a little longer, he wanted to keep looking at him and watch how he would react. It looks like Sigma really left a good first impression on him.

"It's here."

"Alrighty, see you tomorrow!"


"Nighty night Sigma-kun"

Sigma closed the door without looking at Gogol.

"Hmmm... Looks like I annoyed him just a little bit too much. He's new after all. Oops, better to do something to redeem myself! Ah! A gift should do the thing."
"But what gift should I buy...?"

Freedom Means Nothing Without You [Sigma x Gogol] Bungo stray dogs Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora