~Story 1~Paranoia~

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Hello and Welcome to my Creative Writing stories If anyone dislikes any of these that okay not everyone has good taste jkjk I understand im not the best writer but i still like doing it. if anyone want any of these short stories to become books or want more for a story, feel free to let me know! :)

 It's 3 am on a Thursday morning when the alarm goes off for a man named Leon. He ran through his home to get dresses, get food, brush everything and leave for work. He gets dressed in his work clothes throws his shoes on and leaves. When he gets on the road he starts thinking back to the oven, curious if he had left it on. Leon thinks he turned it off so for the rest of the ride he tries not to bother with it for a while. He was almost at work which is only a 30 minute drive but then he saw a firetruck pass him with light blaring. Leon began to think back to his oven even more worried than before about if he turned it off or not. He was already going to be late so he couldn't just turn around to check plus what if he did then he would have been late for no reason.

Just as he walks into his building he saw black smoke rising from the corner of town. His area. Leon wanted to leave so bad but he couldn't he was on the clock. He had 3 hours left before he could go home. He heard more sirens that he thought were firetruck going to his house. He needed to leave now.

Leon walks to his boss's office to ask to leave early when he overheard a couple of his coworkers talking about a house burning on Clombuse street. His eyes widened that's his street. Now in full sprint to the office, which is just down a long hall. Leon starts to feel the hallway keeps getting longer like he is getting no where. Trying to run faster to reach the door that is only so far out of his reach.

He makes it out of breath from both running and panicking. "May- I- leave- early-" he asks panting trying to regain a steady flow of air. "Why? Leon, I let you out early yesterday and Monday and found out it was cause some parties" asked his boss. "I think my house is on fire" He said with fear in eyes and panic in his voice. "Please let me leave early and I'll work a double tomorrow." "Fine but if this is another excuse to go hang and party with you friends again expect to not have a job here anymore." His boss exclaimed "But- fine I get it" He sprints to his car. Leon gets in the car and realizes he left his keys on his desk. So he sprints back to the door to the building and rings to get in. His F.O.B is on his keys. No one was at the desk at the moment. He was ready to kick the door down if he didn't get to his house everything would be gone.

That's when the door open and he ran to his desk and back to his car. He started the engine and sped trying to get there. Until a police officer was driving behind him with lights flashing. Leon didn't stop he went faster trying to get home. He could explain to the cop why when he checks if his house is okay. He continues to speed until he reaches his home finally and sees that it was just fine and that one of his neighbors houses was the one that burned down. It didn't change that fact that he had to deal with the police now or that he probably won't have a job if his boss knows that his house is fine but he was scared for nothing. When he went to explain to the police he got arrested for going 50 mph over the speed limit.

Bottom line is don't speed and never try to race a cop :)

I literally don't even know what I'm doing but whatever, see you nerds either tomorrow or Tuesday. We'll see byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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