~Story 6~Flashback~

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Hey so for this story we were supposed to add flash backs and I uhhhhh did a story that was 3 pages long without double space... and left it on a cliffhanger. Enjoy!!!

(also feel free to point out mistakes and let me know I will fix them, I want them to be called cause I really enjoyed making this story and might make it into a book :D)

Sit down and let me tell you a tale the Scarlet Sin, the most famous immortal murderer that has ever lived, in fact she is still living, been living for about 329 years to be exact. How do I know this you may be asking yourself. Well because I am her mother I was the only one who loved her that was until he was born. Now I watch over her, well you will find out exactly how she became who she is through this story. Its a dark story, very dark. Being forced to watch those you love die but I guess you'll find out. Now it all started on a cold December night...

Through out the house in a small town of Crestmorr there was a baby being brought into the world. The mother, excited that she finally gets a little one of her own. And the father? well lets just say he wasn't the happiest, for you see he was known as the half-a-mortal meaning he cannot die naturally. He has to be killed by another person, yes unfortunately he has tried to kill himself a long, long time ago of cores but never worked time and time again it only causes severe pain and disappointment. And to have a child that could gain this from him and be forced to live a life watching your loved ones die is something he couldn't bare, sure they could be together forever but this was his child. He wouldn't want them to suffer not being able to find love or make friends cause in the end they would die. Though it could be worse they could be a full mortal where he would have to watch them die. Well it didn't matter anymore, the poor little girl they had named Amara had in fact gained the immortality from her father but to their unknown knowledge she had only gained the immortality bit. She couldn't die nor be killed. This would become her greatest weapon but it'd be an even greater demise.

Amara is now 8 years old with beautiful, long, pure-white hair that you only get when your an immortal, her father also had pure white hair and her deep, blue, ocean eyes that were so cold, one look from them would cause you to shiver. She was kinda small for her age but that didn't stop her from telling others off. She may have been a bit shy but that didn't stop her from stopping others. Amara's childhood was already pretty difficult, she wouldn't really leave her house. Why would she? Amara had her parents and that's all she needed but she didn't always think like that until after the accident. Before the accident she was loved by everyone, her beauty was known through out the town. Though when everyone found out that Amara was a pure immortal things went down hill, fast.

When Amara was 4 had fell into a fire pit by accident and was set ablaze. She began screaming at the top of her lungs from the excruciating pain of the flames, catching the attention of the people that were around. One person fortunately had a bucket of water on them for reasons that no one really cared about, they pored out the bucket of cold water on the screaming crispy rotisserie chicke- I mean the screaming child watching sickly as the burnt off sections of her skin started to regrow leaving no evidence that she was even set on fire. From that day on everyone stayed away from Amara, calling her the freak of the town. Running in the opposite directions of where she stood. No kids wanted to play with her, their parents polluted their minds saying she would do unspeakable things to them. She was very lonely she only had her parents to comfort her, well Amara had her mother, her father would come home when she was asleep. Avoiding her for reason only known to him.

She was playing by herself in the dirt when her mother came to tell Amara that she is going to be a big sister for the mother was pregnant. You could see a small glint in the young 8 year olds eyes, the thought of finally not being alone, finally having someone to hang out with and not run away screaming freak at her. She had waited a long 8 years for this and it finally happened. She would have a friend! When 8 months have finally passed for the now 9 years old. She would only have to wait one more month for her new friend, sibling and she was eager for the arrival of the new child. It may have been her birthday but she would rather it be the day of the baby's birth.

Finally they day had arrived, the baby she would get to play with had been born. Their mother had been acting the same as when Amara was born though her father didn't bother with the new born child. Instead handed the small boy named Tavarious to Amara in disgust and only concerned himself with his wife. Amara looked at the small child in wonder, this small thing in her hands will become her best friend, she promised then and there she will be the best big sister she can be. She would always protect him and give him all the time in the world. That's when Amara heard violent coughing from behind her, it was their mother. She couldn't breath something wrong happened during the pregnancy, their father ran phone. As fast as he called is as fast as the doctor knocked at the door then ran the the womans side. Doing everything he can to fix what happened during the birth. It wasn't enough she had died. The only one who truly cared about Amara was gone, no warning, no goodbye. She was just gone and that hurt Amara she began sobbing loudly but her father broke more. The only woman to ever love him and he to love her back was gone. The only one to not judge him for his condition had died and with her the love in him had died too.

For the next 10 years the father had picked up bad habits like drinking, more shots less thoughts was his motto now. He was gone so often that the only one taking care and raising Tavarious was Amara. She was 18 at this point and he was 8. They had found out that he was 100% mortal. Which broke Amara but she still promised the little one that she would never stop caring for him, never stop protecting him. That is one thing she had to do very unfortunately often because when their father was home... nothing good would come of it. Since his wife died, he had become abusive, blaming them for her death. When he abused them he would try to go after Tavarious because he was mortal of course, he was also the one that messed her up. but Amara would always take the hit, stab, punch, kick. Whatever it was she could take it never letting hit her brother, her best friend.

Though there was a day where Amara had been at work a little too long, yeah she had to pick up a couple of jobs since their father stayed in his drunk state all of the time. When she finally made it home she almost screamed for right in front of her was Tavarious surrounded in a pool of his own blood. She ran to him checking to see if he was still breathing. Thankfully he was but just barely she ran to the phone and called the doc. He came to fix up poor Tavarious and giving me meds to help with the pain. The doctor told Amara that she was lucky she called when she did or he would have ended up like his mother. Unfortunately for the two of them she didn't make home again 4 days later and the father had came home early. Amara ran home hoping he was okay little did she know he was dead. That when she finally snapped and went after everyone who wronged her. Killing them and leaving their bodies for their family to find then killing the family. Generations upon generation would die by her hand. 

That brings us to the present nobody knew what she looked like anymore she changed her appearance so often no one could keep track, though her father always knew. She was constantly after him. He was the only one left for Amara to kill and guess what she finally found his base. Today is the day he dies and Amara can finally be at peace.

Or will she? 

Welp that the end ~WhAt cAn i SaY eXcEpT yOuR wElCoMe~ anyway see ya later Nerds! 🤪

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