~Story 4~Abstract~

16 1 3

So for this story we had to either take word from the list our teacher sent us OR we choose an inanimate object from every day life. Me being the depressed little shit I am! I made this story about a knife dealing with some SH-ing so TRIGGER WARING; SELF HARM, BLOOD AND SUICIDAL THOUGHTS

Hello 12-21-3-1-19, 

It has come to my attention that you bought me in an attempt to escape the sick and demented reality that lives within your mind. You use me to try to quite the thousands upon thousands of voices, screaming that your worthless, useless, that you deserve the pain the others cause and you cause yourself by using me. Telling you to just end it make them deeper and bleed out you deserve it. Though I've noticed you try not to make them too deep not wanting to die but just wanting relief from the voices consistent torment.

I am typically used to help, in a way I am doing my job but there is more harm being caused then good. I have tried to understand why you would want to see yourself bleed over. Not stopping until the things in your mind are silenced, as you act like nothing happened when you are cooking or hanging with those oblivious people. It's like you do this on purpose to see if those around you can tell. I couldn't understand why you would do this as I slice into your skin over and over again.

72, huh? 72 is the number that you seem to get to today when you finally are at peace. Each of your thighs suffer 36 new marks on top of the same 16 from yesterday. I am then washed off after with the soft shaking hands of the one was crying just 45 mins ago. When you finally get rid of all the blood from my blade, I'm rinsed off and watch you make your way to the bathroom. You always go to the bathroom after you wash me off. I never know what you do in there I only ever hear running water.

Every school morning I watch you leave 20-30 mins before 8. I would always sit and watch the time go by, waiting for your return hoping you won't go straight for me when you did. If you did I know that day was really rough, you mind clouded with extreme flashbacks of pure pain and agony.

On these day it would get really bad because it wouldn't just be the thigh that gets attacked but the whole leg and your arms. When the total number would reach the hundreds, slashing in all different directions. Never quitting until the sickening deep red liquid left trails down your legs and arms. On those days you would sleep from 10-17 hours. From the mental exhaustion or the blood loss, I would never know.

I will continue to try to help you in these battles. Knowing that you don't like talking about the past. When the only thing to happen during those days is that the memory you had talked about would stick with you all day, never leaving. How did I know this? Cause I would be there too, piercing into your flesh leaving the perennial scars upon the sensitive thigh of yours.

I wonder when the day I don't have to be used for pain relief instead used for cutting a slice of family pie or a birthday cake for a small child. Until then I will keep doing my job you have intended me to do.

Sincerely, your favorite ;) 

So uh yeah. See you later Nerds :)

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