chapter 5

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She heard the sound of pawsteps coming closer to her den.

Couldn't they understand she just wanted to be left alone for a while.

They had found Thriftbirds body on the border with Jumpclan cats sniffing at it and the Jumpclan warriors told the Soupclan patrol that they had found them like that.

They had been murdered and the Jumpclan warriors sent had overwhelmed the sent of the murderer.

Had they did that on purpose? Was it them who did it?. No she was being mousebrained in her grief.

They hadn't given Jumpclan any reason to murder one of their Warriors.

"Moonstar?" Jumpbranch called in.

"Come in" she sighed.

She heard Jumpbranchs pawsteps as she walked in and stood beside her nest.

She raised her head. "What is it?" She asked.

"Well first we had found red fur in Thriftbirds claws when we found him" Jumpbranch mentioned "But more importantly we found an injured loner on our territory she's with Robindash now but she's wondering if she can join Soupclan" Jumpbranch told her.

"We can let her join us" Moonstar responded.

Jumpbranch nodded. "Okay I'll leave you be now and I'll make sure to tell Arcgorse that" she stated as she walked out of the den.

The gray rock walls and sandy floor was what she had seen a lot of recently with not really wanting to leave her nest of moss bracken and some dried seaweed.

She lowered her head back down and laid her tail over her nose.

Red fur...plenty of cats have red fur and if think about it half of Dustclan have at least some red fur.

She needed to be getting up at some point. Jumpbranch had been training Cobrapaw but she should really be getting back to training her own apprentice.

But then again she really didn't want to get up.

I'm clan leader I need to be out and helping my clan not sitting in my nest and mopping. She thought to herself.

She sighed as she stood up and stretched. She walked out of her den.

She glanced around the camp to see if Cobrapaw was in camp or if she went out with Jumpbranch.

She didn't see the white she-cat around the camp. Though then Jumpbranch is obviously in camp so maybe she is too.

She poked her head into the apprentice den to see if Cobrapaw was in there.

She found the white she-cat laying on the mossy floor which like her nest had bracken and dried seaweed mixed in.

"Hi Moonstar!" Cobrapaw greeted her.

"Hey you wanna go out for a bit of training or are you tried?" Moonstar asked.

"I'm up for some training!" Cobrapaw answered.

She flicked her tail and walked out of the den.

Her grief hadn't lessened from the loss of Thriftbird though but she was pushing through.

The hardest part of living where they did was that there was a twolegplace that lived across the beach and spread over the water.

"So what are we going to be doing?" Cobrapaw asked.

"Um let me think about what we well be doing" Moonstar responded.

She hadn't thought about what she'd be training if Cobrapaw had been in the camp.

They walked to a large place where no twolegs would venture out to.

She ended up just teaching Cobrapaw some new battle moves. And they had quite a bit fun doing it too.

They worked with their partner fighting and working with the skills of fighting other creatures.

The sound of the waves sounded nice while they worked and often tumbled into the waves. So both she-cats ended up with soaked with seawater.

Moonstar tripped on a bit of driftwood and was sent tumbling into the water.

She stood back up her fur dripping with water. She scrambled back up the beach to get back to Cobrapaw who stood waiting.

The area of the beach that they were training at was risen up and if a cat fell they could roll all the way down and into the waves and it was her favorite place to train.

Her paws dug into the beach as she ran up.

"That was just driftwood I didn't even get to knock you down" Cobrapaw mocked her.

"Are you mocking your leader?" Moonstar asked.

Cobrapaw smirked. "Yes I am".

"And your being smug about it" Moonstar yelped.

Cobrapaw Jumped at her shoving her back down the sloop.

She rolled back down the sloop and back into the water.

She stood back up and shook out her blue fur.

She scrambled back up hoping side to side with Cobrapaw sitting atop the hill to knock her back down.

Moonstar ran around the hill getting around the young white she-cat.

"Didn't get to knock me back down the hill before I got up here again" Moonstar huffed.

"Well we are just about to change that" Cobrapaw replied as she stalked forward.

"You really want to attack your leader?" Moonstar asked.

After a rather enjoyable training session with her apprentice they went home.

"Your pretty strong cat Cobrapaw" she told the young she-cat.

"Moonstar I noticed twolegs setting stuff up in the sand on the beach should we worry about that?" Cobrapaw asked.

"Twolegs are always doing odd stuff I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" she answered.

"Yeah it's probably nothing" Cobrapaw agreed.

The cave mouth came into their view. To any non Soupclan cats the cave looked like a shadowy hole in the hill.

Cats had to be taught to swim pretty quickly to make sure they stay safe with the water pools in the camp to make sure no kit fell in and drowned.

A brown and white she-cat with dark blue eyes poked her head out of the Medicine den.

"Arcgorse you need to lay back down and rest" Robindash ordered from inside the den.

So that's Arcgorse our potential new warrior.

"Wow she's pretty" Cobrapaw commented.

She walked back over to sit in front of her den.

She miss toke a step slipping and soaking her paw.

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