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Cherokee Rose

Rose Garden-Lynn Anderson

Rick POV

I looked at the big house-Hershel's house, knowing how nice we were to have it. To stay in it for now. To protect everyone with it....

I turn to the look around at the scattered group. Each one was settling near the tree's. They all looked calmer. Like they had some peace at least. I looked past them and was able to see Y/n and Daryl. They looked like they were...being friendly? Never thought that would happen. Guess Y/n was right. I followed the trail to the road and saw Glenn and Hershel's daughter, Maggie. Glenn just couldn't seem to stop smiling.

We need to stay here.

I looked to Hershel with some hope. "You need to reconsider." The words just flew out of my mouth, like they had a mind of their own. We have to stay.

"I beg your pardon?" Hershel questioned. I open my mouth, before closing it again. One mistake could have us gone in no time. In the end, my mouth decided to protest on staying and I slowly turned to face him.

"Asking us to leave. You need to reconsider....If you saw how it is out there you wouldn't ask. You're a man of belief. If you believe anything, believe that."

Hershel lightly shook his head at me with a slight frown. "You're putting me on the spot. I don't like that."

"W-well, I mean to. Those people look to me for answer-I wish they didn't, but they do. B-but I'm not asking for them or myself...I'm asking for my boy." Hershel continued to pace his head back and fourth. But I wasn't done. "After the price your friend Otis paid, the least you could do is give it some thought."

Hershel sighed, before lifting his head so it was level with mine. "You're a plain spoken man."

"I'm a father....He's the one thing I don't want to fail." I went to the steps of the porch. Sitting down on them and still trying to make my point. "I feel like I do everyday." I looked down in shame for what I had done this morning. Lying to Carl. Lying to my boy. "I lied to him this morning." I lightly shook my head. "Wasn't a big lie, but it was enough."

Hershel was quiet for awhile. It took him some thought, but soon he spoke up. "My father didn't bother with comforting lies. He used his fist. He was a loveless, violent drunk and no good to anybody. He even drove me from home when I was 15...." Hershel lightly looked to his house. "Didn't lay eyes on this place again for many years. I was not at his deathbed, Rick-I would not grant him that and to this day. I do not regret it...Some men do not earn their love with their sons." Hershel sat down next to me.

Before I could answer, he spoke up again and looked to the sky. "I don't see you having that problem."

....We have to stay. For Carl...for Lori...for Shane....and for Y/n....and the group.

"Will you consider my request?" I looked him dead in the eye, hoping he would take it up.

"There are aspects to this, things that I can't and won't discuss. But if you and your people respect my rules-no promises, but I will consider it...You have my word." I nodded at him and stood up and I grabbed his hand, shaking his it.

"You have mine."

• • •

I walked into the room where Carl was in. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but ended up waking Lori who was sitting next to him. I gently waved my hand to her. "Hey." I greeted quietly.

She smiled at me and began to stroke Carl's hair. I went to the near-by seat. "I'll sit with him." I told her. I sat in the chair now and watched as Carl's chest would rise and fall peacefully.

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