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amara haven

My eyes flutter open and I curse an alarm for going off.

That's weird... I don't have an alarm set for Saturdays.

"Amara," Valeria shakes me awake.

"What?" I startle, pushing myself up.

"Your phone is ringing," she shows me the screen.

David S.

Huh, that's weird.

I take the device from her hands and click accept as a yawn escapes my mouth.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey, it's David. Is this Amara?" He asks.

"Yeah, what's up?" I reply.

"I was wondering... you see um-"

He goes quiet, clearly trying to figure out what he wants to say.

"Nic went missing and I was just wondering if you've heard from him, or if you know where he might be, or-"

"No, I don't," I say, sounding a little harsher than I intended.

"Oh, alright. That's okay," he sighs. "Thanks anyways, Amara."

"Yeah. I, uh, hopefully he turns up."

I cringe. Really Amara? Turns up?

"Thanks," he mutters, "Have a good weekend, sorry to wake you."

"You too, and uh that's okay," I reply, "Bye."

"Talk soon," he says, I hear a beep follow and I take the phone away from my ear.

"You look sad," Valeria points out. I hadn't noticed that she's still standing next to my bed.

"I'm not sad," I counter.

"Will you help me with math?" She asks.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Go tell Dad that I'll be down for breakfast in a few minutes."

"It's past eleven," she mutters.

"Fine, lunch then. Go, let me get dressed," I shoo her.

She sticks her tongue out and shuts the door behind her.

I climb out of bed, a little dizzy from my hangover.

I cross the hall into my bathroom and splash cold water on my face.

I tie my hair back and do what I can to look less hungover. I definitely felt the part.

I take an aspirin and head downstairs, straight to the coffee pot.

"There's my sleeping beauty," Dad grins, petting my head.

I roll my eyes, "Morning, Dad."

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Alright," I shrug, as I pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Your mother is mad, just to warn you," he pats my shoulder.

"Thanks, captain obvious," I mutter.

"You okay, Kitten?" He asks.

"I just," I hesitate. "I got a call from David."

"David Sheff? Nic's dad?" He questions.

I nod, "Nic is missing, he was asking if I've heard from him."

"Have you?" Dad asks, I shoot him a look. "Right, sorry Kitten."

"It's okay," I sigh, sipping the coffee.

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