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amara haven

I'm woken by Valeria.

"What?" I ask in my half asleep state.

"Uh, school?" She answers, "You sleep like a rock."

"You snore like a broken helicopter," I mutter, pushing myself up.

She gasps, "I do not!"

"My ears disagree," I reach over to ruffle her hair.

She sticks her tongue out and stomps into the hallway dramatically.

I roll my eyes and get up, feeling dizzy.

I change into baggy jeans and a random Green Day shirt, I smooth my hair down a bit and apply some mascara.

The house smells of pancakes and sausages.

I slip on my Converse and head downstairs.

A message hits my phone from Chase, saying he'd be here around 7:45 AM.

"Morning, Am," Dad greets.

"Morning," I reply, grabbing my backpack from the hallway.

I refill my water bottle and make sure I have what I need, then sit down for breakfast.

Dad serves the three of us and we eat quietly, all in a small rush for different reasons.

After breakfast, we disperse to clean our teeth and finalise getting ready for school.

When I walk downstairs, I see exactly what I was dreading.

Lillian, sitting at the counter drinking tea.

I hope to sneak past her to the back door but she turns at the sound of Patronus barking.

"Amara," she speaks sternly.

I spin on my feet, "Morning."

"I'd like to talk about what you said before you ran off," she says.

"I meant there for support but-"

"No excuses," she interrupts.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I know it's Chase.

I slowly approach the front door, "I have to go."

"Amara Rose, don't you dare," she raises her voice.

"Bye Dad, love you," I say before I leave the house.

I know that what I just did was stupid, but it's almost thrilling in a way to rebel against her again.

I used to rebel all the time with Nic.

I approach Chase's Ferrari 550 Maranello, a lovely grey colour.

I climb into the passenger seat and he greets me with a smile.

"Morning," he says.

"Morning," I reply, putting the seatbelt on.

"You look guilty," he observes.

"I'm not," I defend. "I just... my mum's gonna be mad at me later."

He laughs, "What'd you do?"

"She's mad at me for saying she could come to an AA meeting," I reply. "Then dodging conversation about it twice because of you."

"Ah, you're welcome," he winks.

I roll my eyes playfully, "Thank you."

The ride to school feels shorter than usual, I assume it's because of the distraction of Chase.

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