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A fairy walked swiftly through the castle hall until he came to a set of massive, wooden doors. The doors were decorated with intricate carvings and were adorned with gold and jewels. On the top of the right door, there was a carving of a slim fairy whose wings were wrapped around a piece of land. Her hair was a dark brown color and her skin was beautifully tanned. Her wings were decorated with tiny gems of all colors, creating an iridescent effect. On the left door was a second fairy who was hovering behind the figure of a human. Her hands were outstretched towards the mortal and her wings were fanned out behind her. Like the first fairy, her wings were covered with jewels. She had light skin and golden, blonde hair. In the center of the two doors was a third fairy. She was carved higher than the other two. Her face was angled towards the sky and her arms and wings were stretched out as rays of light shone down on her. A large crown was perched on her head. Her hair was as white as snow and her skin was very pale. Out of the three fairies, she was by far the most beautiful.

The hall was lit with balls of light that floated high above the fairy's head as he stopped just outside the doors. Two guards were standing there.

"You're not granted permission today, sir," the fairy on the right said gruffly.

"Excuse me?!"

"Per Ilha's requests, no visitors are allowed. She has very important things to do, Othan. Just because you're Her favorite doesn't give you the right to intrude on Her business," the guard sneered. Othan glared at him, then looked at the second guard. He avoided Othan's gaze.

"I have something important to discuss with Her Majesty, so if you will kindly move-" he said, trying to push past the two guards. They grabbed his arms.

"I said you are not allowed to enter! Stand down Othan!"

Suddenly the doors began to open. The three fairies scrambled out of the way so they wouldn't get hit. As the doors swung open, they revealed a tall, pale-skinned woman. Her iridescent wings were relaxed behind her back and her snow-white hair fell down over her face slightly.

"Your Majesty!" the three men exclaimed as they fell to their hands and knees in a deep bow.

"Othan...I've been expecting you," the woman's silvery voice said, ignoring the guards. Othan raised his head to meet her gaze. The guard grabbed his head and forced it down.

"How dare you look Her directly in the eyes!" he hissed in his ear.

"Let him go, Jael," the woman commanded gently.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Jael responded instantly, letting go of Othan's head.

"Stand up, my children."

The three men stood, keeping their heads bowed.

"Come in, Othan, and tell me what is on your mind today," the woman said, motioning for Othan to follow her behind the doors. He entered a large room after her and the doors shut behind them. The ceiling was very high and was decorated with tiny balls of light that resembled stars. A large fountain was standing in the center of the room; all around it was a huge garden. Tiny streams ran from the fountain and provided the indoor garden with water. Trees and flowers of all kinds were growing inside. The atmosphere was perfect and relaxed Othan's nerves. A small dove flew down from a tree and perched on the woman's shoulder. Othan followed the woman down a small, stone path that led to the fountain. She sat down on the edge. Othan sat beside her. "I'm glad you came to see me, my child."

"As am I, your majesty. I have missed talking to you," Othan replied.

"I am always with you, you know. You can talk to me whenever you feel you must. I will always listen."

"I know, your majesty. But I don't want to burden you with my troubles all the time," Othan sighed. The woman smiled.

"You are never a burden, Othan."

"Thank you."

"What is it that you wanted to talk about today?"

"It's about what I said earlier..." Othan began. A pained expression suddenly flashed across the woman's face. She stood up.

"I have told you to forget that foolishness, Othan," she said quietly.

"It's not foolish! I'm determined to do this! It's for your good, your majesty! Why don't you see that?!" he cried.

"I can see all, Othan. I know your true intentions. You wish to be above me. That is one thing I can not allow. I love you, Othan, but if you continue like this, then I'll have no choice but to cast you out."

Othan stood up angrily.

"My intentions are true! I mean no harm!" he answered.

"I can see all, Othan! Don't try to convince me of things I already know to be untrue! Continue this and you will be removed from our realm forever," she said sternly. Othan sighed angrily.

"Yes, your Majesty," he muttered.

"You may leave now. This conversation has caused me much distress."

Othan bowed to the woman and turned back towards the direction of the doors. Once he'd left the garden and entered the castle hall again, another fairy approached him. Her short brown hair glistened under the floating lights and her piercing blue eyes glinted with anticipation.

"How did it go?" she questioned. Othan shook his head.

"As I expected. She is all-knowing, so of course she knew my intentions. Any hope of taking over peacefully will not work. We will have to go with our second option," he answered as he walked past the girl. She followed close behind him.

"Oh, goody! I was hoping we'd get to follow through with that plan. I've been craving some action in this boring place lately!" 

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