News From the West: Carwen

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We didn't stop on the journey home. We got back to the castle the day after our departure in the late afternoon. All of us were tired. Dorian had followed a little ways behind us to ensure we were safe from the Dragon. I had tried to sleep on the way, but the attack was too fresh on my mind to let me relax. I still remember what the Dragon's touch felt like. I shivered. The royal family said nothing as I helped them out of the carriage. They slowly walked back into the palace with their heads down in shock. Elwin sighed.

"I had hoped this wouldn't have happened," he said in a low voice. He stood up and winced in pain.

"Darling, just wait and I'll help you," I said as I climbed up on the carriage perch beside him. I helped him down and we stood there for a moment in silence. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired," he mumbled. He was never usually the touchy, clingy type, so I could tell he was really hurting.

"I know. Let's get you to the healers. That may help a bit."

I took Elwin inside the castle and to my room. I sent one of the maids to the temple in search of a healing cleric. When the cleric finally arrived, she began tending to Elwin's wounds. I left and went to check on Atarah. She was sitting on her sofa, staring off into the distance. Her face was pale and her eyes were lifeless.

"Atarah?" I questioned as I sat down beside her.

"Dorian almost died, didn't he?" she asked in a weak voice. I hesitated. It was true. If I hadn't distracted the Dragon and given Dorian time to get up, he would've been killed.

"He had it under control,' I assured her. "He's not so easily killed."

She took in a shaky breath and looked at me with misty eyes.

"That was terrifying," she choked. "We should've been safe."

I pulled her into a hug.

"Where's Dorian now?" she questioned.

"Probably taking care of the prisoner," I replied. She stood up. "You're not planning on going to the dungeons are you?"

"No. I'm going to speak with Father," she answered. I got up and followed her to the king's throne room. When we got to the doors, the guards stopped us. "We need to speak with father."

"I wouldn't go in there right now, your highness," the taller, tan guard said. He had very dark hair and green eyes. He was a friend of Elwin's. His name was Keijo. "The king is discussing the Dragon's punishment."

Suddenly, the doors opened. Dorian emerged, followed by two prison guards who held the Dragon by the arms in between them. Dorian had a dark expression on his face. He strode past us, leading the guards to the prison wing. I watched them as they passed. The Dragon's eyes met mine. He looked...sad and scared. I shook my head. A loud clinking sound distracted me from the Dragon for a moment. Atarah and I turned and watched as a group of very short people walked towards the door. Their porcelain skin shone. They were Gnomes. There were seven older-looking ones with long robes of different colors. Eight others were dressed in armor and were carrying swords. There was one more who was a lot smaller and dainty than the rest. She looked around nervously.

"The Gnome council?" Atarah whispered in confusion. "What are they all doing here at once?"

The Gnomes stopped beside us just outside the throne room door.

"The Gnome Council from Grayborough, Your Majesty!" Keijo announced. The Gnomes walked into the throne room. One of the older ones, who was in a long green robe, pulled the young girl aside and whispered something to her. She nodded and stood still as she watched the older gentleman follow the rest of the group into the throne room. The doors closed and the hall was silent again. The Gnome shifted uncomfortably. She moved her foot and the sound echoed. She flinched. I walked over to her and smiled.

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