Shadow of the White Horse: Dorian

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We left just as the sun rose the next morning. Not long after our departure, we crossed into the Holy Land. The Holy Land consisted of a large circle of land around the Amakrist. It was unowned by any race and was a sacred ground. The ring closest to the Amakrist was a large, lush meadow. Because of the abundance of magic that enveloped the land, many species of flora grew there, some of which could only be found in that area. It was forbidden by all countries and cultures to pick or harvest any of the vegetation. Not only that but cutting down trees was prohibited as well. The trees in the Holy Land were the oldest ones on Lurra and contained large amounts of magic. Just before reaching the meadow, travelers must pass through the enchanting forest of the Holy Land, where all the magical trees grow. Some trees bore fruit, while some provided protection and shelter for the animals that lived in the forest. Although the law states that nothing from the forest can be picked and consumed, there is one exception. Any fruits or plants found on the road to the Amakrist could be retrieved, for they were deemed gifts from Ilha. There are only five paths that this rule applies to. They are the main roads to the Amakrist that extend to each of the five countries on Lurra. These paths were created when the Amakrist first gave the realm life. Aside from these roads, others branch off and make shortcuts, but they are not roads created by the Amakrist itself and therefore nothing found on those paths can be touched.

When we entered the forest after crossing Revalon's border, the ladies immediately stuck their heads out of the carriage window. Atarah and Carwen were pointing at all of the beautiful trees that we passed and marveled at the wonders of the magical woods. The air in the Holy Land was fresh and light. I took a deep breath and my body became relaxed. There was a soft breeze that wafted down the road. Leaves danced around by the smooth touch of the wind and were whisked away over our heads. The road was shaded by tall, golden-brown trees. The branches stretched out their large, green canopy over the road. The bright morning sky was still visible through the break in the leaves, which cast rays of light down into the road. Birds were singing somewhere close to us and a little gray squirrel scurried across in front of my horse's hooves. I watched the ladies' faces as they took in all that was around them. The joy on Atarah's face warmed my heart. She looked at me and her smile turned to subtle awe. She blushed and averted her gaze. She said something to Carwen, who turned her awestruck gaze to me. She smiled warmly and shook her head. She then motioned for me to fall back and talk to them. I slowed my horse until it was walking right beside their window.

"How are you enjoying the view ladies?" I asked them.

"Oh's beautiful," Atarah sighed dreamily as she rested her elbows on the windowsill. "Actually, it's more than beautiful. It's-"

"Bewitching," I finished for her. She nodded.

"Something else is bewitching as well," Carwen added, nudging Atarah with her arm. Atarah's face flushed again.

"And what might that be?" I questioned, smiling at their playfulness Atarah twired a piece of loose hair nervously around her finger.

"W-well," she stammered. "Since we entered the seem to be glowing. The sunlight hits your hair just right and-"

"Ah, yes. I'm sure the sunlight makes my hair look nice," I replied.

"Yes, it does. You're quite a bit more...handsome than usual in this magical forest."

"Why thank you, your highness. It's an honor receiving such a compliment from you."

"O-of course!"

Elwin appeared at my side.

"You really should be doing your job, not flirting with her highness," he muttered to me.

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