Stowaway: Lyda

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 "Dorian! He's a criminal! He should be dead!" Carwen yelled angrily. The Dragon looked at her with cold, menacing eyes.

Dorian held her shoulders gently, blocking her view from the Dragon, and said, "Carwen, I'm not asking you to understand."

She looked more terrified than angry. I had briefly heard about what happened between this Dragon and the royal family, so I could understand why she was so scared.

"If you hate me then stay here, little lady," The Dragon sneered. Carwen glared at him from around Dorian's shoulder.

"I won't let Dorian go alone with you! You'll kill him!" she replied hotly. The Dragon started towards her. Dorian held him back.

"Elves like you are the reason I started killing in the first place. You sit up in that castle that came from materials your ancestors stole from my parents! You're spoiled and arrogant! Your poorest family in the entire kingdom is richer than the wealthiest Dragon!" he growled. "I should've killed you when I had the chance!"

"Doryu!" Dorian warned. The Dragon looked at him and his face softened. He let out an angry sigh and backed away. I'd seen a lot of conflict and pain in the time I'd been alive, and to me this Dragon just seemed like he'd been deeply hurt. I looked up at Carwen. She was shaking.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I put my hand on her arm as reassurance that I was there.

"Of course not," she muttered. She turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

The Dragon let out an exasperated breath and ran his fingers through his, long, disheveled hair.

"Dorian...I-" he started. Dorian put his hand up to stop him.

"I think you and Carwen should converse as little as possible," he said. Elysia, who had been sitting on a small table watching everything unfold, flew over to The Dragon and put her hand on his shoulder.

Although Dorian had told us that he'd resurrected this Dragon fugitive, it was still unclear as to why. I knew Dorian had a plan, but was bringing this killer along a good idea?

"I'll go check on Carwen," I said to the three. Dorian sat down on the ground and nodded.

"That's a good idea," was his response. He looked tired and worried. I glanced at the Dragon. His eyes were following my movement. I curtseyed at him.

"I'm Lyda," I announced. He avoided my gaze as I stood up straight again.

"I'm Doryu," he answered in a low voice.

"Nice to meet you, Doryu."

I left the room and went to check the auditorium first. She was sitting in the second pew on the left side of the room. Her head was bowed. I went and sat down beside her. I didn't say anything.

"I'm scared, Lyda," she whispered, breaking our silence. I looked at her. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I want to trust Dorian, but I can't forget what happened."

I didn't know what to say. I was scared too. I was in a totally new environment, surrounded by tall scary people who I didn't know. I was away from my mother and brother. I wanted to go home. However, this new world I'd been exposed to the past few days was also exciting and drew me in. I wanted to know more beyond Bellhollow.

"I wanted to go with him," she continued. "I wanted to help, but I don't know now. If he is going to be there then I'm not sure I have the guts to tag along."

"Carwen...did Dorian protect you the first time?" I asked.

"He could have died. I saved him. That Dragon almost killed the both of us."

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