Perhaps next year would be better?

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Ayato started to Thoma with widened orbs as he stilled. He'd had a bite of Onigori in his mouth, bringing a hand up to finish the bite. He then set the item down and cleared his throat with a quick sip of tea.
"So you...w-wish to take a vacation? What's the occasion?.."
Ayato said as he glanced to the blond. Yes, it was so painfully obvious he had feelings for Thoma. And that look in his Retainers eyes? He couldn't help but to stare. Though, even he knew the blond had eyes set on someone else. Diluc, whom he hadn't even met, nor did he wish to.
Thoma nodded his head.
"Yes! I would like to take a vacation back to Mondstadt..It's just to see some old friends. Nothing else."
He said as he settled his hands in his lap neatly. His emerald orbs watched as his commissioner stared him down.
"M'Lord, you're staring. Do I have something on my face?"
Thoma said as he wiped his mouth with a cloth but nothing was found. But by the time he'd looked back up Ayato had averted his gaze.

Ayato settled his hands in his own lap and looked back to his retainer.
"No, I was just thinking. But, I will have to decline. Don't be selfish Thoma, to take a vacation just to see friends? What fantasy are you living in today?"
Ayato said calmly as he stood up. He didn't bother to take one look down to the blond. Knowing he'd have a devastated look on his face. So he simply walked to his office to continue his work.

Thoma watched as the male left and just stared with his emerald orbs set on his door. Of course, it was rather selfish of him to say that. He shook it off and quietly stood. He gathered their dishes, taking them quietly to the kitchen to be cleaned. Thoma didn't say a word as he slipped the dishes away, after they'd been washed off and dried. He walked silently to his room and looked to the letters as he shut his door.

After an hour Thoma had taken a shower and readied himself and the two Kamisato siblings for bed. He silently left Ayaka's room after he listened to her talk about her day with her own blonde friend. He shut the door then slipped into his room quietly.

Thoma seated himself down at his desk and looked to his letter he'd never finished. A frown overcoming his lips as he slipped his head to his hands. Tears slowly spewed from his emerald orbs. Letting out quiet mourns as the tears hit his letter. Which he buried his face into as he covered his head with his arms.

Thoma longed so badly to return and see this man. Yet it seemed every chance he had was set aside due to work or shut down by Ayato. Though he understood Ayato's reasoning, it ached him to know that he truly might never be able to return back to Mondstadt.

Eventually he'd fallen asleep at his desk. Though woke up rather early to a knock at his door. He turned to face his door with rather puffy eyes and a slight sniffle.
"Yes?- who is it?"
He asked quietly as he went over to his door and slid it open slightly. It was Ayato, but he was supposed to be asleep.
Ayato gazed to Thoma and sighed.
"We need to talk. Right now."
He said as he walked into the retainers room and shut his door behind him.
He seated himself at the males desk. Looking over the unfinished letter and other letters from the mystery man.

Thoma blinked as he looked over, watching.
"If you've come to explain your reasoning more..I understand. It's okay. I know I'm needed here when you're busy."
He stated as he watched Ayato shake his head. Though cocked a brow at it as he quietly took a seat at the end of his bed.
"Then what is it?"
Thoma questioned lightly.

Ayato looked back to the male as he grabbed one of the mystery man's letters.
"What do you see in this man Thoma? From the two lines I just read of this...he's a bartender and from my knowledge..those are always so obnoxious. They're alcoholics don't you know that?"
He said as he settled the letter back down to the desk.

Thoma raised a finger and opened his mouth to protest but paused as he frowned.
"Ayato, just because you have a high status here doesn't mean you can say that about a man you don't even know.."
Thoma frowned, looking at the male as he watched him closely.

Ayato let out a heavy sigh as he clicked his tongue before standing up. He turned, grabbing Thoma's chin as he looked to him.
"Fine..but my answer is still no. Winter is full anyways. I'm sorry."
Ayato said as he then walked out of Thoma's room.

Thoma was used to the males rather flirtatious actions by now, so this had no effect on him. He just frowned more at his words than before. Then went over to his letter and sighed as he looked to it. Quietly slipping it away as he grabbed the letter the red head had written him. He settled himself in bed, reading it silently as his eyes slowly fluttered shut. The note of Diluc's in hand as he slept.

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