Two lovers plus A jealous man.

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Any regular morning Thoma would awake and make breakfast. Though this morning he was distracted by finishing his letter. He'd left the Estate to finally hand it over to the post office. As he watched them stamp it and slip it into a box he waved goodbye. And off he went, only to get distracted by the sight of a ramen stand just opening for the day.

Thoma felt a rumble in his stomach, now that he thought about it, ramen sounded perfect. So he pulled out a small bag of Mora from his pounce, which was located around his waist. Then grabbed about ten of the tiny pieces. Stuff here was cheap for Thoma, considering who he worked for. And since he also helped people out around these parts frequently.

"Hello, yes three ramen please."
He said as he happily took a seat and paid the older man. The elder nodded his head and grabbed the tiny gold coins, slipping them into a jar and grabbing the three freaking made ramen. Adding in some pork and eggs before handing them over.
"Have a nice day, enjoy and come again."
The old man rasped out through happy smiles.

And with that, Thoma grabbed the three bowls and smiled in delight.
"And to you as well!- the good day part that is.."
he said as he turned and carefully began his way back to the estate. With bowls in hand he entered the estate quietly after bidding the guards a good morning.
He settled the three bowls down and quietly went to the kitchen, grabbing chopsticks for them and placing them down.

Thima checked the clock then decided it was time to wake up the siblings. He wandered into Ayaka's room after knocking.
"M'lady, it's time to wake up..I have breakfast ready."
He said quietly as he peered down to the slowly awakening woman.
Ayaka stretched out on her bed and groaned as she opened her eyes.
"Ah Thoma, good morning-"
She said before sitting up in her bed and smiling at the cheery sight.
"I'll be out in one moment, thank you."
She said before slipping out of her bed.

Thoma nodded his head before quietly leaving her room, he closed her door and quietly made his way into Ayato's room.
He knocked quietly at the door, then entered, he slowly made his way over to the man's bedside.
"M'lord, breakfast is ready and at the table, it's time to get up.."
he said lightly to him. Thoma felt bad for his lord of course, after all it seemed he couldn't catch a break from work. So to see him sleeping so peacefully? Well it was rather relieving. Though- he was a bit of a heavy sleeper..that was his downfall.

Thoma looked at him and grumbled softly. He raised his tone just slightly louder in hopes of waking him.
"M'lord!- Please wake up.."
Thoma said as he reached a hand forward, gently tapping his commissioners shoulder.
And like magic, Ayato was awake, his blue hues gazed up to Thoma. He snatched his hand, slowly bringing the blond's gloved hand to his pink gradient lips. He placed a soft kiss upon his hand before pulling away and looking back to the blond.

Thoma was a bit stunned by this, a small blush washing over his cheeks as he shook his head.
"M'lord..I know your more on the flirtatious side.. but please don't do that. Especially when you've got work in an hour and a meal waiting for you."
Thoma said as he gently rubbed over his commissioners fingers which were shaky from his recent sickness. He wouldn't say it, but he knew the man had weakened from that. After all, it was a rather long recovery. He often found that being gentle yet stern with Ayato, was what worked best for him.

Ayato slowly nodded his head as he let go of the blond's hand. He sat up in his bed and sighed.
"When I get home from work, I'd like you to get a bath ready for me..I've got a meeting and I know I'll be stressed out."
He said before covering his mouth to yawn as he slipped out from under his bed.

Thoma looked to the man and nodded.
"Of course, any other requests M'lord?"
He said as he gently held his hands behind his back.
"Yes, I need you to pick a few things up for me in town. I'll make a list when I sit down"
He said before dismissing Thoma so he could change.

And with that, Thoma nodded his head and quietly left the room he closed the door behind him and slowly slipped over to the kitchen table afterwards. He sat down to wait for the siblings silently.

Ayaka was the first to join Thoma for breakfast, and at last; Ayato showed his face, walking over to the table and sitting down with a pen and paper in hand.
"You went out for breakfast, why that's new.."
Ayato said as he looked to his retainer.
Thoma blinked in slight worry.
"Do you want something else M'lord?- I can make some-"
Thoma voiced in a slight panic, but Ayato had brought a finger to rest over the blond's lips.
"It was only a simple statement. This is fine, thank you."
Ayato stated calmly as he slipped his finger back to the table and quietly began to eat.
Ayaka watched the interaction and let a small chuckle escape her lips. She quietly ate her food, she wasn't much of a morning person- so she didn't talk much in the morning.

Thoma blinked and nodded his head as he calmed himself. He settled himself down then quietly ate his food as well.

The three of them enjoyed the moments before eventually Ayato had written down the list then departed. Ayaka herself leaving quietly to spend her day with Yoimiya.
As Thoma looked the list over he gave a gentle sigh and stood to his feet.

Once the sun had set Thoma made his way back to the estate with everything in hand. He set the bags and boxes down in the kitchen. Though he brought his commissioners stuff to his office and settled it down neatly. He noticed how messy the man's office had been and sighed softly.

Thoma looked to the clock and thought for a moment. Then quietly walked to the bathroom he quietly turned the water on and slipped his glove off. He held his hand under the water until it was a nice temperature and he slowly retreated his hand once it was warm enough.
He quietly grabbed the man a new towel and his night robe before gently settling them on the counter and watching the water silently.

Ayato crept into the estate through the front door. He shut it behind him and slowly slipped his shoes off. He made his way to the bathroom.
Ayato groaned out, stopping at the sight of the blond who had just stopped the water since the tub was filled.
"M'Lord. There's no need to's ready."
Thoma chuckled out, standing up as he carefully grabbed the man's coat sleeved and slipped them off the tired man. He folded the item and gently unhooked the man's vision from his hip.
"It's ready, I'll set these in your room."
Thoma said as he gently slipped the males vest off and then walked out of the bathroom. He shut the door and made his way to the man's bedroom. He hung the coat and vest up and then carefully settled the man's vision in a holder on the males nightstand. Then left to finally put everything away and clean.

After about an hour Thoma had finished his cleaning. Ayaka was already in the bath, considering Ayato was settled on the sofa in the living area. He watched the retainer closely, deciding to voice his thoughts.
"Thoma, come here please."
Ayato called, motioning the blond over with his finger.

Thoma looked back at him and quietly looked around with a crock of his brow before walking over to the man.
"Yes M'lord? What's the matter?"
Thoma asked, watching as Ayato had gripped his gloved hands. Though within seconds of the grip to his hands. He was taken down to Ayato's lap.

"Thoma..tonight, you'll sleep with me.."
Ayato whispered into the blond's ear. His fingers slipped out of Thoma's hands and snuck around his waist.
Thoma let out a slight gasp to the man's touch but slowly nodded his head as he averted his green gaze elsewhere.
" yes M'lord..but please let me go..I need to start dinner."
Thoma replied, he didn't mind sleeping with the man. In all honesty, it wasn't the first time the man had asked this of him.

Ayato released the man and smiled to his answer.
"Wonderful, go ahead then."
Ayato said as he settled his hands on his purple night robe, then watched as the blond stood and walked around the corner to start dinner. Ayato's smile immediately faded as he glared to the notes of Diluc's he'd grabbed from Thoma's room after his bath.

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