chapter 1

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" Good morning ma'am"

" Good morning.. ma'am"

Khushi blinked,gate security guards to gardners , she had heard more than ten good mornings. Now these maids. She nodded and wished them back.

She stopped at staircase landing, the imposing staircase was continuing to the underground floor. Absorbing her confusion Nimmy the maid said Raizadas having brunch, she pointed at upstairs.

Holding her bag khushi started to step. Air was puffy by the smog, but inside the house it's warm. She was glad everyone went to brunch and nobody going to acknowledge her.

Opening the door in hesitation khushi wondered if he would be there or office. As she opened the door she saw Arnav stepping out of the ensuite bathroom.

His face darkened as he witnessed her arrival. She took baby steps to the room.

" Stop there.."

His voice reflected his internal tradings,he literally stopped her, but she deposited her bag in chaise, Arnav took measured steps to her.

" You went your parents when they left for vacation.. you should have informed us"

His slow voice touched her deep, she lifted her head. Arnav Singh Raizada hovering over her. His malignant presence unsettling.

" You already knows where to find me.."

With a non serious shrug she countered. Arnav breathed. He knows. Her route ends with her parents home. She's predictable little homie, her life start and end with Raizada Gupta circle.

That's not hard nut, she loves him,she adores him. She will stay with him no matter what. But yesterday she asked certain ground breaking questions. They argued pretty bad, she went so far that she almost cursed her birth. She was emotionally broken. Khushi Gupta finally dared to leave the house. She said she need privacy. She went without chauffeur  car. Her phone went switched off. He was concerned. But she messaged his mother.

" You bothered us..."

Khushi stilled,her head uptight, she glanced at Arnav. His sharp nose, perfect lips. His raised brows ,he looks like Adonis in real sense.

" Sorry for that..i need some rest.."

She said, Arnav nodded. He saw her exhaust state ,her eyes red a black round around her eyes, on her forehead there was a bandaid. He wanted to know more, but Khushi twisted her head away. She looks bad. No matter what he cared  her. They are childhood friends. Grown up together, their schools were together . Advantages of being family friends brought them together in this marriage knot.

Arnav was about to touch her head Khushi steps back,he understood that gesture. Step back.

" I'm fine.."

She got his hesitation. Agreeing her Arnav left her alone.


watching her son and daughter in law in silence, Ratna remembered their earlier happiness. They were good friends, their goals their perspectives were almost same. Khushi was Arnavs best companion.

Now looking at them saddened her, Khushi not looking at Arnav or at any of them. She slowly eating her food.
Only cluttering sounds of cutleries .

" I called Shashi,he said they are extending their vacation. Payal requested.."

Nodding, Khushi continued her eat. Arnav asked more details. Aravind briefed Gupta's new changed plans.

" I'm very happy for Payal and Akash.. they are expecting.."

Ratna provided in cheerful voice, Khushi showcased no expression. Arnav sneaked at his wife. No, no emotions or emotional overdose.
She's calm  mystically cool.

" Arnav did you contacted the Mehta group.. their bidding is good.."

Aravind  diverted their conversation. He can understand the thickness of baby talk. Arnav once told and cleared his part. Because they need time.

Completing her breakfast, Khushi got up and left Raizadas comfort. She went to kitchen and fetch some water.

Curious helpers tried to interfere her by offering help, denying them Khushi fetch water bottle.

She went directly to kitchen garden and walked through fleet of stone steps which ends to a messy bush garden. Folding her arms she stood looking aimless at the end of green woods.

Winter is clamping almost all area,mist hung on air, some trees shredded their leaves. She's not well. not at all. Her life goes up side down. She don't know what to do or how to do. She's standing in a prestigious house,a well known family,yet she feels insecure. Her head and heart functions it's own way, heart makes excuses to going back,head sticks to stay. Blocking them makes her stomach clench. Bringing back to cul-de-sac.

" Your uncle, Aravind plans to make a golf court here..."

A female sound addressed her,  startled Khushi turned around. Ratna Raizada. Mother in law. She's quite beautiful lady. She wore beautiful shift dress, above it a mink coat,all ready to leave her NGO office, Ratna smiled. Khushi dragged her eyes away.

" Arnav... you know him..."

No she don't. Arnav Singh Raizada is a mystery. A stranger. Khushi choose silence. Ratna saw distance in khushi, they have problems. Arnav getting out of rail. He goes back to his playboy style. Khushi asked him accounts, but he threw out his problems. They quarreled bad. Arnav is creating scenes. Khushi is extremely quiet and low-key in her stand . As a mother she doesn't want her boys life to rock.

" i won't interfere him..."

That was geniune. Shock was allover Ratna, Khushi never give up on Arnav, but constant pressure caused this.

" I want you two live happily.."

Ratna said in small voice.  Damage already done, crack already deepening,no response from either side. Payals sudden complexity in pregnancy caused Gupta's changed travel plans.

" I'm asking you again .. maybe a vacation.."

Ratna shot troubled glance, Khushi said no reply. Aravind and Arnav left for office. Tapping on her shoulder she retreat. Ratna understood Khushi. A forced vacation can't be solution to their problem. But she don't know what other alternative to make.


Khushi typed password, again,no use. She got rejected.

She went through last chance,she typed Arnav Raizada, the netbook opened, access  code received.

It was personal netbook. Lots of photos. Videos, time to time different ages. Khushi goes through files to files. Typical personal items.

She closed it. Looking at photos her eyes welled up,she lost in her own memories. Painful eventful memories.

She doesn't want to have another burden. These walls pressing her. This room. She doesn't want to stay here. But there's no other place is as secure as this.

She has to stay.
Not for herself, but for her family.


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