chapter 3

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Arnav, his mouth compressed in a thin line. Until he married Khushi Gupta they had a good bonding. After marriage things gone upside-down. After marriage they had a bleak bland  relationship.

However last three weeks seems different then earlier. After that turbulent fight, they are on ceasefire period, still no actual communication. Though they shares bed. No personal attachment. But Khushi seems odd, her behaviour and character seemingly different. His mother also updated this so. Khushis new passion for gardening. Khushi and gardening..?  Who believes it..?

Again, a new hobby maybe..!!

He cares for Khushi. She's his childhood playmate, Shashi Guptas adopted daughter. Though Shashi uncle was more like a fairy granddaddy to her.

Khushi, her biological  father named her Ishani though Shashi uncle officially changed her names to Khushi. Vaishali Gupta had twins, unfortunately first girl doesn't make it, she died in childbirth, the same night kanishk uncle had an accident and died,. It was a tragic night, Khushi lost her family. That tragedy has its own remains in their life.khushi brought up in a extremely rich and spoilt atmosphere.

Three years ago Gupta's and Raizadas arranged their marriage. In those days he too believed Khushi Gupta can be his better half. Though  Friendship couldn't guaranteed a stable marriage.

But looks at now..he and Khushi understood that.. upto two years they were suffering due to their haste decision.. !

They are nothing but strangers.

Even with their frozen relation Khushi doesn't want a seperation. She turned down his attempt to get divorced.
She told it's okay for, him to live his life, so he stopped his urge to get divorced, because he was certain that Khushi needs time to prepare for their seperation. So they didn't drop the idea of divorce.

Then somewhere sheetal happened, his PA. His old  classmate sheetal, a  purely  physical relation. A Mutually agreeable set up. Sheetal is ambitious but he won't entertain anything more than she offered.

Arnav closed the file, which he was studying for half an hour. It's frustrating that he couldn't find a solution , Khushi Gupta is going to enter in RG group. But the Khushi he'd known for years do know nothing about business. She's a art graduate. An artistic mind, she loves to draw drawings. But never used it for job purpose.

Khushi. Yesterday night  she punched him hard , her punch was strong enough to knock him out. Based on kick boxing training he knows it's really professional punch, though a reflex action. Which worries him..!
Where did she got boxing training. He has no idea.

' Khushi got no kick boxing training'

Arnav sat stiffly, he took a paper weight from table. tightly clasping Arnav started to relate latest incidents. One by one , their last disagreement and fight was two weeks ago. After that she went to her house, come back after three days. Looking so exhausted, like she's coming straight from some long trip. Her wrap jacket was leather, high-end boots were leather too.

'something is amiss'

Khushi doesn't use leather items, she's animal lover,a vegan  follower, she is not comfortable with animal products. No craze for fast cars. She usually prefer chauffeur driven cars,no fancy for sport vehicles. And she's through and through a non violent person. Loves to do charity works,no excite feelings for power and glam.

All together a neat person.

But recently she's stepping out of her character. Excitedly different from classy grace   Khushi Gupta.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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