Chapter 4

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Gulf pov

I was sitting in the waiting room of this hospital, since I arrived from France I had not been separated from here, much less from my brother, my parents recommended that I go home to rest but I did not want to, I had to wait for my brother to I would make the effort to wake up and give me the name of the son of a bitch who gave you this.

I took care of my parents to go home, I arrived and went directly to my room, it was the same as I had left it, my books well comfortable, my wardrobe was still there, the clothes that I had left, my bed well made, I went directly to the bathroom, I took off my clothes and I showered, while I showered I thought how my revenge would be, on the person who had caused my brother such terrible blows until he was bedridden.

Remember all the moments we lived together.


"Catch me if you can" Mild ran as fast as his little legs gave him so that his older brother wouldn't reach him.

"You will see that I will reach you and you will have to give me your soccer ball for a week."

The two children ran along the garden of their house laughing until Gulf caught up with Mild.

"yeii I caught you now if you have to fulfil what you promised me."

"That is not valid, little brother, you are cheating."

"Of course not, just because I love you very much, it will only be for two days, as you say."

"Okay, I accept. I love you so much little brother, you will never leave me, right."

"Of course not little brother. I promise to always protect you and that nothing bad happens to you. I love you."

The two little brothers hugged each other, promising to always protect each other.


Remembering those moments were very beautiful and at the same time painful to cry and remember the promise that he had made to his little brother and feel that he had not kept it if perhaps he had not left the country if perhaps he had been in that club he would have protected his brother, but it was not the time to lament now more than ever, he would be strong for his brother.

He came out of the shower, changed into normal clothes and lay down in his bed, he would sleep a little before going back to the hospital.

His cell phone had only slept for at least 3 hours, he took it and it was a message from his mother saying that Mild had woken up and that he wanted to see him.

He didn't think twice, he got dressed and started on his way to the hospital, he arrived and his mother told him to go see his brother before they put him in a coma since his injuries were very serious and they needed to keep him asleep.

He entered and saw his brother with his eyes half awake, he approached and took his hand, Mild looked at him and smiled.

"Little brother, I'm Gulf. I'm here with you, don't fall asleep please. I want you to know that you will recover and you will get out of here, and we will walk through the garden like when we were children." Mild just closed his eyes.

"Brother, tell me the name of the person who gave you this, please don't fall asleep, tell me his name."


Suppasit thought gulf "I got you"


If you find any errors, let me know please 🥺

Thankyou for your votes naa ❤️ even I didn't get for what I wished but my khun said maybe my fellow friends will be on break hehe so I will wait for you guys to come back ... I think within a week I will complete this book 😅

Happy reading 💗


-Hana 💖

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